Re:Sidewise LEXX
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Did Space Channel Canada do any promo features that are separate from the “Making Of” docs?
When I first started looking for Lexx stuff (summer 2000) their website still featured Lexx Season 3 material. It included some interview video that wasn’t on the Season 3 “Making of” program that’s on the DVD.
One of the interviews was McManus talking about Season 3–it looked like it was shot in a recording studio. I later saw somewhere on the web another short promo that must have been shot at the same time (same studio, same outfit): he’s talking about Brigadoom–that tape also included comments from Marty Simon and others. Any idea where that stuff came from and if its part of a longer program?
I gotta say that the interview with the videomatics director on S3V3 is one of my favorites–if anyone has it and hasn’t watched it yet, watch it! Very funny, but also a really interesting look at some of the low tech underpinnings of hi tech FX. How DO you get a job like that?