Re:Tornado Tidal Wave

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Though there are many, many notable exceptions, I generally prefer my science fiction grounded in real science and as down to Earth as possible — I tend to like dystopian speculative fiction that take place on bad old Terra Firma in the not too, too distant future.

Okay, if I was head honcho at Sci Fi I’d replace it with SPACE: The Imgination Station (j/k). Really, if I could choose any programming I liked for a sci-fi channel, and revenue and rights was not a concern, I would show plenty of classic sci-fi shows and movies, as well as trying to get shows/films from around the world. I love watching the late 60’s to mid 70’s sci-fi flicks on SPACE (just wish they showed more). I’d definitely want more stuff with a political message — substance over effects.

And if I had to gear it to someone other than just myself, I’d make more shows for an older, sophisticated, more arthouse, audience. But as someone who grew to love sci-fi as a kid, and still loves stuff like Doctor Who, Space 1999, Star Trek, Land of the Lost, the original Planet of the Apes series of movies I have always adored, that I grew up with, I would like to make shows that will appeal to kids too. Get ’em interested when they’re young. Sci-fi really touched my imagination as a kid.

Also, if I were in the sci-fi production biz, and money, audience, rights etc. was still not a concern, I’d make more big-production minis with acclaimed actors, acclaimed writers, directors, and technicians… Love to see a Asimov’s Foundation series done (yeah, I know that doesn’t take place on Earth, or at least most of it doesn’t).

One of the first minis I’d like to get is BBC’s First Born about a human/gorilla hybrid. I happen to like many horror and fantasy movies too though, so I’d rather the Fantastic Channel.