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Okay Ill tell you the facts then I’ll tell you my whacky theory.

What they did do, was take a recent tape of a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) and gave it directly to a conspiricy nut, who immediately began phoning every media outlet that this was proof. Keep in mind a UFO is anything that has not been identified. There was a famous UFO case involving a man who lept from an airplane 😳

But just like all the other cases before all you can see on the tape is a bunch of blurry lights.

However. This has been going on for as long as we’ve had airplanes. As far back as World War I, pilots have reported seeing bright blue lights flying around. All the pilots stories are fairly much the same.

This tells me it’s true. But what is it? And why do only people in Planes see them? And why does almost every single report say that the objects fled when sighted? Sounds a bit like an organism to me, or a mirage.

Personally I think it’s some trick of the light in the atmosphere. But a far reaching theory could be: How much do we know about life on Earth? How do we know there isn’t any organisms that survive in the upper atmosphere? We have creatures who can survive incredible pressures and almost no oxygen underwater, so why not in the air?

Personally I think they could be the mythical “Will-O-Whisps” or just a trick of the light. But it’s undeniable they exist whatever it is.