Re:Who are these Lexx Fans?

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[quote=”HisDivineShadow”]I remember Xenia (female) breaking the Q/A at Megacon to tell me how much she loved my costume.

I agree with her about the HDS,
I also loved that costume that you made; I also liked this yr’s when you dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow. I can’t wait to see what you will be wearing at next yr’s Dragon*Con.

[quote]The GenCon looks more like Michael McManus as Kai.[/quote]

Welcome back Flamegrape,
I’d have to agree with Logan on this 1; I also think both Kai & Xev costumes are great & well done. You should’ve seen HDS when he was dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow; woooooohooooooo, did he ever look great in that.
Again, welcome back to sadgeezer & I do hope you stay awhile.

Lexxians, especially Love Slaves, Unite,
Jhevz 😉