Sad Birthday List part 2

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When I was in secondary school (high school to you Yanks), whenever one of the boys had a birthday on a schoolday, the rest of his friends would each bring a carton of eggs as well as a small pack of flour (the whole shebang costing each of us about US$1) and then when school ended, we’d throw all our eggs at him, and when he was soaked in it, that’s where the flour would come in handy [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] . After our birthday boy was egged-and-floured, we’d then proceed to administer hearty slaps on his back. Cruel? I don’t think so. Having been on the recieving end a few times, I at least, think it’s great fun, except the part where you try to explain to your parents what happened to you….