Season 3 finale

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Season 3 finale Season 3 finale



Originally posted by Aleck:
[b] No apologies needed, FX, seeing as how I’m the quiet type myself. We’d probably end up just sitting there, staring vacantly, occasionally saying “Ummmm…”
You know, as a kind of fan liason for the company. They could write it off, even!!! You know, this is actually a good idea!
Of course, the question is whether or not anyone else will think it is…


can yoou spell boondoggle!!! go for it aleck, and if they need proof show them how you helped out the people at lexx in finding information about their guest stars! and don’t forget all the free publicity they are getting for upcoming dvd releases through the sadboard, come on aleck, you are in dc now, time to pick up a few tricks from the local culture [img][/img]