spoilers, thoughts, x-post
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Originally posted by Squishi:
Do you have any American-American’s over there?, hehe, how about canadian americans, or are they burnt at the stake!!![i]null[/i][i]We’re all mutts here! Canadians are almost undetectable to most US citiziens, I think. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] I grew up so far north in Minnesota that I thought I was Canadian until I was 7. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Two of our 3 tv stations were Canadian (that was the olden days, kids – before cable). Winnipeg was the closest city. Did I have a point? Er. um… nope! Just lately it seem to me that Canadian productions (movies & tv) are popping up all over – and I like it! Oh, Canada…![/i]
That’s what I love about being English, if I came over there you would just call me English (or limey), not English American or anything. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
[i]How about if I just call you Squishi?[/i]