spoilers, thoughts, x-post
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Originally posted by Squishi:
Sorry mate it must you who’s cross eyed, and balding, where on earth did you get that idea from??? she was 21 at the time, I hardly think she would have a hair loss problem at that age.
Actually, it’s been fairly widely reported that she was losing vast clumps of hair during the first 4 movies due to the bleach and dye job she had. So the balding tag is appropriate, and age has nothing to do with it. As for being cross-eyed, I’d have to say that she does certainly look slightly cross-eyed. It’s not incredibly noticable, but it’s all part of that dazed look she has. Squish, just because you have a fondness for Eva, you don’t have to resort to personal insults when someone says something bad about her.
quote[quote]And if you think that Princess Di looked like a cold fish, then you really do have a problem with your vision, Di was one of the most elegant and attractive women on the planet, and I’m not saying that because I’m English.[/quote]
Oh, come on. He’s expressing an opinion, which is completely valid. I agree with him in that I thought (and always did) that Di was an exceptionally plain person unless you compared her to the other royals. Aesthetic beauty doesn’t often come from years of depleting the gene pool. You want beautiful and graceful royalty? Grace Kelly (Princess Grace of Monaco) beats Di hands down. Probably because the Prince of Monaco didn’t have to pick someone that was distantly related as his bride.
As for Xenia, well if ol fish lips does it for you then more’s the pity, she has got a great body, but bulging eyes and lips are just too repulsive, she looks chubby in the face as well…Eva is far more beautiful than her, as are a lot of female celebrity’s.
Now, see, Squish, if someone had come along and said anything like that about Eva, you’d be all over them in a heartbeat. Just because you have a different idea of what is “beautiful,” that doesn’t mean that you should go around insulting others for not agreeing with you, and taking their tack one step further. Nobody called Eva any insulting names, yet you have no qualms about calling Xenia things like “ol’ fish lips” etc. That is not only insulting to her (if she were to read it), but it insults the taste of people who prefer her to Eva. Especially when you say things like “maybe I’m picky, but to get my attention the girlie has to be mega-beautiful.” That’s essentially like saying “maybe you guys *like* dog-ugly girls, but I have standards above yours.” You like Eva. This is fine. But there’s no need to make sweeping generalizations (“Even in her native country, Xenia can’t hold a candle to Eva”) or insulting comments. You have an opinion, others may not share. Learn to live with it, and stop being so argumentative.