Stop me before I pay Lucas $8!

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Originally posted by Aleck:
The performances of Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman are so incredibly wooden that I was afraid of termite infestation. Now, Natalie Portman can act. She’s a decent actress, and has done some good work. Here, her entire performance hinges on elaborate costume changes and looking vaguely concerned at all times. Hayden Christensen, not for one moment, convinced me that he has one iota of acting talent in his entire being. There’s a certain scene in the film in which you sense the first steps into the Dark Side of his character. He is supposed to be filled with anger, grief and blind fury.

Ha, ha, ha, YES! Someone finally agrees with me, and doesn’t follow blindly into the perception of, its Star Wars fo ofcourse it was good! Hayden Christensen did the worst acting I’ve ever seen, from a non-child performer. Not once was I convinced of anything he said.
I would have to disagree with you on one point Aleck:

quote[quote]Instead, he comes across like a 16-year-old kid who has just been told that he can’t use the car Saturday night.[/quote]
Now I’m 19 and when my car (see Adam Sandler’s [i]Ode to my Car[/i] for more details) is in the shop, or I’m going on a long trip and I want something a little more reliable and I’m told I can’t take a real working car, I act way more emotionally then that. I’d say his reaction was closer to that of someone beign told to not to something they don’t want to do anyway, but put on a fake show for appearances sake. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

I agree with everythign else except:

quote[quote]It’s a bad movie. It’s a really bad movie.[/quote] I wouldn’t say its very bad, just not that good. I was entertained by it. But it didn’t give me the same feelings that iv-vi gave me. I didn’t mind paying the 4.50 (gotta love student tickets) to see it. I feel that if this weren’t a Star Wars film not nearly as many people would have gone to see it.

Finally they could have done almost every seen with a Yoda muppet. Well except for that last one obviously. In a few years the cgi will look fake and we’ll see right through the computer image. Muppets look more real, both at the tiem and in the long run.

[ 23-05-2002: Message edited by: Headgehog ]