Vlad the elder=Time Prophet
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by DalekTek790:
You’re not taking my interpretation seriously. Here is an excerp from [i]Lexx 1.1: I Worship His Shadow[/i] that illustrates my point-
Okay, let’s take this blow-by-blow.
The humanized Shadow deviates considerably from the plan laid down by his (fully Insect) predecessors.
First off, neither His Shadow nor his Predecessors are “fully Insect.” By this, I mean their agenda is not the same as the Insect agenda. The Insect has “programmed” them with an agenda that will ultimately serve it, but not one that is purely Insect in nature. The Divine Order’s primary goal is conquest of humans, the Insects’ primary goal is the extinction of humans.
His Shadow and his Predecessors are not aware that their essence comes from an Insect, and they don’t really know what the Giga Shadow is. That’s why they spout off the same old answer every time. Programming.
[b]He’s opposing his former self![/b] He’s willing to destroy 20,000 planets containing his own subjects just to kill a few Heretics on one planet.
Actually, my impression was that the incomplete cleansing has left this particular Divine Shadow 75% bonkers. It’s not really killing with any purpose, it’s just killing for the sake of killing. Just like in the control center:
“Kill him. Thank you. Now, kill yourself.”
As an Insect, he logically considered that wasteful and was ready to conduct an investigation to determine the Heretics’ exact planet of origin, and not take any hasty and irrational action. The Divine Predecessors are quite shocked by the humanized Shadow’s change of plans.
Actually, the Insect thinking would be the more dead humans the merrier. It is actually the Divine Order agenda that found destroying all the planets shocking. After all, if they did that, they’d have nothing left to rule.
He also broke [b]his own rules[/b] by leaving the Cluster and putting the Predecessors on board the Lexx. He even [b]let Heretics steal the most powerful weapon in the two universes[/b] just to show that the brains were wrong.
This was probably a holdover from the host’s brain, which insists that time travels in a straight line, not a circle. The fact that he was rather bonkers led him to go to extreme and irrational risks to try to prove his beliefs about time were correct. He didn’t “let” them steal the Lexx, he just didn’t think they could possibly pull it off. After all, they didn’t have a key for it (or rather, he didn’t THINK they did).
In short, he does everything he’s been warned NOT to do, in order to prove time travels in a straight line, and not a circle. He decides to leave the Cluster, he lets Heretics get on the Lexx, and he employs the Last of the Brunnen-G to stop them. In short, he is a Divine Shadow who loves to tempt fate. And boy does it bite him in his Divine Arse.
He later killed them all, even though he was in effect killing a part of himself and would lose his purer Insect thought processes.
You mean after the Giga Shadow awakes? No, he kills them all because all the Predecessors are still somewhat human. They are human brains, and as a completely reborn Insect, his agenda became to destroy all human kind.
He makes another hasty decision in initiating the Divine Cleansing early just so he, and not a cleansed being, would be the ultimate Divine Shadow.
He tried to speed up the process of the Divine Rebirth because the Insect hibernating inside the Cluster made him. The Insect knew the Lexx was in the hands of its enemies, and wanted to be on the move asap, before the Lexx could come along and blow it up.
That led to his own downfall, since the Insect body wasn’t ready to emerge. The new Divine Shadow clearly displayed signs of unstable personality.
Oh yeah, he was definitely bonkers! But as soon as the Insect essence left that host brain, its intellect became pure Insect. Hence, HDS was “good” for a few minutes, while the essence was still inside a brain of which the evil section was destroyed. But after Kai crushed the brain, and the essence left, back to total evil Insect again.
The Hirschfield Divine Shadow was like a Cyberman. He didn’t really [b]want[/b] to kill Kai. He just, for some moral or obsessive-compulsive reason felt that he [b]must[/b] kill Kai to make things right.
Did Jeffrey Hirschfield play the voice of Kai-killing HDS? I didn’t know that! He did a really good job! In some ways, I like that HDS voice even better than Walter Borden!
But in my view, he definitely WANTED to kill Kai, and took pleasure in the killing. Just listen to the “Aaaaaah..” as he slides the knife into Kai’s guts. And the “punishment beyond death” he piles on top of that… oh yeah, he loves his work. But he is following the Divine Order agenda: Kill enemies of the Divine Order. This as opposed to the Insect agenda: Kill all humans.
The Gigeroff Divine Shadow [b]liked[/b] killing humans. He ordered two of [b]his own loyal followers[/b] to kill each other!
Yep. Bonkers! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Then, he tries to destroy the Lexx and its crew out of spite, even though they couldn’t destroy him.
Well, actually, after he screwed up and lost the Lexx, he kinda got “right in the head” and realized he was being goofy. The Insect essence impressed upon him that the Lexx was a very dangerous weapon to leave in the hands of enemies, and that the prophecy regarding Kai may be the biggest danger of all to the Divine Order’s future.
His mission, laid down by the other Divine Shadows going back to the original Insect survivor was to build a new Divine Insect Order after the Cleansing with the Giga Shadow’s larvae and pieces of his essence.
Well, actually that is the super-secret mission of the Insect, that is kept hidden from EVERYONE, even the Divine Shadows and Divine Predecessors. Because if wind of it ever got out to the citizens, HDS’s cover would be blown. Humans will follow another human with seemingly awesome powers, but they won’t follow an Insect.
The Lexx was irrelevent. Still, he went out of his way to destroy it, the Divine Predecessors, and the human crew slowly. He had a sadistic personality.
Well, building the Lexx is indeed irrelevent to the last surviving Insect. But to the programming of HDS, it’s a valuable tool to expand the Divine Order’s power.
But getting the Lexx out of enemy hands was a very high priority, both to HDS and to the Insect. HDS would prefer to get it back intact, but destruction is certainly an alternative.
Finally, if the entry into an uncleansed human host [b]didn’t[/b] affect his personality, why was the scene there? If it really didn’t mean anything then it wouldn’t have been written, or would’ve been cut to leave room for relevent dialog and action. Its existence proves its importance.
The nutty HDS was essential to making the story work. A normal HDS would have never allowed Heretics to board the Lexx so easily, would never have put the Predecessors on the Lexx, and would have sent every Divine Assassin he had after them EXCEPT the Last of the Brunnen-G. In short, if HDS hadn’t been so nutty, our heroes never could have pulled off their escape, and we’d have no TV show!
I don’t want another argument here. You just have to realize that this [b]is[/b] a factor in His Divine Shadow’s actions in the movies.
Frankly, I LOVE debating stuff like this. Anyone got anything to add?