Vlad the elder=Time Prophet

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Vlad the elder=Time Prophet Vlad the elder=Time Prophet



Originally posted by DalekTek790:
Now, I don’t think anybody can contest that the Insects and His Divine Shadow could divide their essence for different hosts (of course I always say that and then I get a post from Aleck… [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] ), but I think all of the original Insect’s essence left the body. Why? From [i]Mantrid[/i]: “I survived by transferring my essence, my thoughts, my memories, my…[b]everything[/b] into a human host.” All the essence went into the humans and the Insect was left dormant.

If you remember correctly, I said the same thing in one of the first posts I made. HDS has always been able to pass along bits and pieces of his essence. This doesn’t mean, of course, that the part is indistinguishable from the whole. Which is why I disagree with your hypothesis that HDS must return because his last incarnation wasn’t killed by Kai. The bits of HDS’ essence contain only parts of his personality and being. The part that Kai received was only *part* of HDS’ full essence, the part that contained his agenda to kill all of humanity. This was passed into the insect offspring, which in turn only had part of its essence removed and combined with Mantrid’s, as the insect was still alive and vital *after* Mantrid became a new species of man/insect/machine hybrid. If all of the essence had passed on, the insect would have lapsed into dormancy. Therefore, the being known as His Divine Shadow was, indeed, killed by Kai. The narration at the beginning of “Mantrid” is a literary contrivance, an easy method of telling what came before, and its statement that HDS lives on in Kai is directly contradicted by the text itself. It’s sloppy writing and continuity, but the text states that Kai never received all of HDS’ essence.

quote[quote]I also think some members of the Divine Order knew His Divine Shadow was not human. I mean, they were in charge of transferring the essence and the Divine Rebirth. And the bio-viziers were some of the greatest minds in the universe, a few of them must’ve found out if they weren’t told.[/quote]

Not entirely neccessarily. For one thing, it’s never hinted at in the text that anyone knew that HDS was an insect. Also, there are many high-ranking clergy members that are not aware of everything that the Catholic church has hidden about the origins of Christianity. There are high-ranking government officials that don’t know the truth about any number of things. There are high-ranking businessmen that aren’t aware of secret deals made by their CEOs. Just because someone has been instructed to know everything they need to know to perform their task, that doesn’t mean that they know *all* there is to know. Some of the Bio-Viziers, perhaps. But I doubt that the clerics knew anything. They acted on faith, which discourages the kind of scientific speculation that would lead to a revelation of this sort. As far as they probably knew, HDS was just a godlike being that could pass on his soul to another host, and they didn’t have to know anything about insect biology to believe that.


[img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] “ttennebdeirubi” [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]

I have no idea which Bennett you’re referring to.
