Vladd Interview – Anyone want to do it?
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Hehe…I’d be too scared to go near her!!!, FX the Mighty or Hypatia the Brave, or even Aleck the Courageous would be the only people mentally and physically capable of taking on Vlad.
Aleck because he has watched all Kai’s moves on DVD more than anyone else in the world, and has a black belt in kai-jon-do (ancient Brunnen G martial art I made up!!!).
FX, because I bet she has longer nails than Vlad and is probably taller, and can do amazing things with a bloody mary (she’d probably poison Vlad!!!).
And finally Hypatia, who is an Amazon goddess, and will probably know all Vlad’s weaknesses after writing all the update’s, and is secretly a Divine Executioner, which is a part time hobby of her’s.
Plus Vlad will have to remember that all the above will have a small and cuddly, but nonetheless vicious cluster lizard as back up.
But she’s probably a very nice lady in real life, so we may not have to be on our guard at all.
Squishy…Eater of Vlad Brains. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]