WE ARE NOT TERRORISTS! (Warning! this topic is very controve

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quote[quote] I mean, just the other day, my uncle, a pilot working for Malaysia Airlines was detained for hours while he was questioned and his background checked, simply because he brought with him a Koran written entirely in Arabic. [/quote]
That should definately have not happened. A person should not be discriminated against because of their race or religion. It’s absolutely unfair and unjust. I mean, when the footage of the planes smashing into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon was shown in Australia, there was emotional manipulation used in that, so that everyone felt sorry for the Americans. Then it showed a scene, supposedly from Afgahnistan and supposedly shot after the attack. The footage showed three people dancing, and it could have been taken anywhere and any time. That was more emotional manipulation, to make us hate the Afghanis.
But three people celebrating, shown on footage that could have been shot a year or two before and used for manipulation doesn’t mean that all Afghanis and Muslims are evil.
Quite frankly, I was disguisted at all the emotional blackmail used.
There were attacks on Muslims – and their mosques – in Melbourne, and that shouldn’t have happened. Most Muslims and Afghanis are completely innocent citizens, yet they get the blame. I wish other people could see and understand that bin Laden and the Al-Qaeda Network are a fringe minority and that picking on perfectly innocent citizens is wrong and evil.