WE ARE NOT TERRORISTS! (Warning! this topic is very controve

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Originally posted by bonnee:
[QB]One of the most shocking ways to illustrate the appalling mess of lineage and legitimacy is via the Holocaust. There is a strain within Judaic thought that urges the final solution was God’s way of resolving the problem of the Jews relation to a historical homeland. It helped – a rabbi tells me – precipitate their return to a homeland (Isreal was established again in the aftermath of world world two, and is said to be partly the result of the West’s guilt/shame in allowing the Holocaust to occur on its own soil). In so doing, the historical persecution of the Jews by one religion (Christianity) historically vindicated Zionism as a form of prophesy/fullfillment of a religious promise, leading to the displacement of the Palestinian people on (so called) Arab/Muslim soil, allowing the West to be seen to play another role in the religious persucution of a different people (the breaking of their promise). Consequently, the Arabs view the West as being involved in a dispute that doesn’t (alledgely) concern them, and it is believed that if it wasn’t for Western support, Isreal would not be there in the first place. The fact that all this occurs against a background of pan Arabism (resulting from Western colonialism of the previous century) complicates the issue even further.

All of that is pretty much true. I’d just like to add that there is [i]no doubt[/i] that without Western support, modern Israel would not exist. It’s not just a belief among Arabs. It’s a hard fact.

On top of the guilt of the holocaust, there was this Cold War fear that Egypt was going commie. When Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, seized the Sinai Penninsula, and blocked Israeli access to the Gulf of Aqaba, the West was terrified. (Can you think of anything worse than fundamentalist Islamic communists?) Eventually the conflict with Israel and Egypt was resolved. But not before massive Western support was given to the Israelis.

The West has always been stuck between a rock and a hard place.

One thing that has dramatically improved is the Arab view of Israel. At first, they vowed the destruction of Israel. Now they are actually recognizing their right to exist. But the Palestinian issue remains.

I’m forced to agree with the Western view that the terrorism must end. If I only understood what the Muslims [i]expect[/i] to happen as a result of the terrorism. Yes, it draws attention to the issues. But there are other ways of accomplishing the same thing.

But I also think that Israel needs to [i]back off[/i]. Sharon’s ultra-rightwing government is becoming dangerous. Their extreme actions work against them because it’s generating Western sympathy for their hated foes, the Palestinians.

What a mess.

[ 12-04-2002: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]