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Okay, for one thing, the SciFi Lexx BB has got to be the dumbest, most exclusive, cliqueish waste of bandwidth I have ever seen in my life. In fact, the only thing fun about that board was the so called “trolls” who to me looked more like people who stated their own opinion which this APEC did not particularly share. I myself found the fictions trite and the rules a bit to constrictive. I mean really, you would think for all the sexual inuendo that supposedly goes on in these things that they might be racy sex stories. But alas no, the rules clearly state that there can be no “slash” and no anything really that might be even the least bit naughty or fun. The no slash thing really offends me only because I do NOT like people who would tell others what their sexual preference should be.
I get the impression that most of these “APEC” women are in pretty dead relationships and that rather than taking the initiative to do something about that (open the lines of communication, stop bitching and start being nice, maybe hit the gym and lose a few(hundred) pounds, oh yes, I have seen you women!) rather than trying to live out some kind of a fantasy world with a fake man, not only a fake man, a fake CLONE of a FAKE DEAD man!
I apologize if I am going to offend anyone here, but that board touches a nerve with me. I was ran off long ago by the fictions and phobic behavior and I stand behind anyone who would stand up for themselves against the posters on SciFi. That place is a time bomb waiting to go off.