Worst Episode of Lexx
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My least favorite episode is 2.8 [i]White Trash[/i]. It’s not a bad episode, actually. It’s just that it’s a depressing reminder of the dumb rednecks that live near me. The personality of Paw was right on target. There are way to many rednecks that are stupid, self-centered, and wife-beaters. The inbred part is not really true, but sexual assult upon their own children has been known to occur. One element that was left out of the portrait was religious fundamentalism, e.g. the southern baptists. Another element missing was the idiotic worship of football (american football, that is).
BTW, Sad, I was looking at your episode review of [i]White Trash[/i]. I beleive the planet Vermil’s name is actually spelled Vrml. This is what I concluded when I first saw the episode on SciFi Channel several years ago.
In the mid-’90s, there was a new form of webpage design called Virtual Reality Markup Language, or VRML for short. Everyone just called it “vermil” instead of pronouncing the letters V.R.M.L., like we usually do for HTML (Hyper-Text Mark-up Language, which is used for almost all webpages). Myself and a few others experimented with it at art school. The results were stupid and cumbersome. And I think the language died, as far as I know.
In any case, the language did not catch on. And I have always suspected that the writers of [i]Lexx[/i] were poking fun at VRML because “vermil” sounds like something someone with Grizzled Old Prospector’s Syndrome would say (c.f. MST3K episode [i]The Final Sacrifice[/i]). Or maybe like Yosemite Sam saying to Bugs Bunny, “I’ll get you, you vermil!”