The Witcher S01E04 Episode Review

This was a terrific episode, and great fun to review. It is so well written that we were gripped and entertained throughout.  Again, a common trait with all the episodes is that it is just as good, if not better, to watch the shows again.

The high points of this Witcher Episode were strangely, the graphics and landscapes. In quick succession, we saw completely and interesting looking parts of the continent while Yennefer was being chased and fight sequences, whirlwind and bloody special effects were particularly well done.  Production on the episode was perfect.  Direction kept the show going at a pace and the acting was fun to watch end made the episode gripping.  I honestly loved every minute.  Low points were the silly dialogue and daft wedding banquet.  the whole, lets see the suitors and then get them married in the same evening seemed a bit silly to the point of jarring.  maybe I’m just old fashioned.