Nowhere Man: Characters and Clues

Tom looking disturbed.Nowhere Man is a combination sci-fi, conspiracy, mystery series in three story arcs. Tom’s goal is to find out who erased his existence and get them to give him his life back.

Characters and clues appear in droves in Nowhere Man, unlike a classic mystery show which provides the clues in an easy-to follow close-up, Nowhere Man is designed so that the clues and red herrings are given equal weight. The writers had the luxury of adding more clues and red herrings than normal as this mystery doesn’t get wrapped up for over 24 hours. They were able to stretch some over several episodes.

It’s up to the viewer to decide which path of clues to follow over the course of the series.

Thomas Veil

Appearing in nearly every scene, Tom is a photojournalist who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and his life will never be the same.

Hidden Agenda

Tom’s photo of an illegal execution in the jungles of Chile. 

Alyson Veil

Tom’s loving wife may be in on the conspiracy to Erase him,
but she may be a victim herself.

Dr. Bellamy

The man in charge of Tom’s case when he is brought to
Calaway Psychiatric Hospital is not only working for the enemy, he has altered Tom’s brain.

The Director

Tom’s unseen nemesis also makes sure he
survives the Organization’s procedures.

The Organization

The group responsible for Tom’s Erasure.

The Erased

Umbrella term for anyone whose lives have
been taken away by the Organization.

Significant People

Tom finds allies and enemies in the strangest places,
but each one seems to have a significant clue for him.

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Nowhere Man reviews are © 2004 by Pet Serano.
Not for reproduction without the author’s express permission.

Nowhere Man names, characters and everything else associated with
the series are the property of UPN and Touchstone Pictures.

You can get more information on Nowhere Man at Bruce Greenwood’s Official Site.

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