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  • #39949

    Howdy all you fine Sadgeezers. I am new to the forums but a rabid Lexx fan (all hail the bun that requires inoculations every couple of hundred years) and a sci-fi lover from way back. Also Canuckian. Totally irrelevant except as pertains to my question. Which is – Has anybody else seen the sci-fi series “Alienated?”

    Like the slow moving dinosaur I am I just stumbled upon it today and it is in its second season. Absolutely hilarious. Very tongue in cheek – suburban family living life exactly like all other T.V. families except this family is having alien babies etc. And they treat it just like any other little bundle of joy to be soon added to the family.

    Just wondered if there was anyone out there who could tell me more about it. Maybe Logan knows. Excuse me, His Royal Highness, King Logan. Ahem. 😀 Please, lay your wisdom upon me.


    Erm, accepting such a gloriously majestic title would surely alienate me from the real power on the throne. I am but a humble servant in this Sad realm.

    *whispering in super-secret code, careful… ixnay on the oupcay!*

    Wouldn’t want anyone to get the totally erroneous and farcical idea that our cabal has hatched a Sadistic plot to depose our glorious, benevolent Leader and take over SadDom in a violent coup…

    *whispering… eheadbay adSay first, oronatecay oganLay later, or it’ll be my eadhay on the oppingchay ockblay, okay?*

    Long live King Saddy! 😉

    I haven’t seen Alienated. It’s been on the Spaced Out Channel which I watch a lot, so surprising I’ve missed it.

    Here’s the official site:


    Hee hee hee hee. Sorry. Old habits die hard.

    *Karuba prostrates herself before the Sadgeezer Home Page*

    There is no Mod before Sadgeezer and Logan is his prophet.

    Second season finale for “Alienated” is mid-June. I am really kicking myself for missing this. Especially since the partial episode I saw referred to Nanaimo. Could the story-line possibly be situated in the Lower Mainland?

    KarubaLuna wrote:

    Hee hee hee hee. Sorry. Old habits die hard.

    Hehe, I was wondering if you were offering your services as a Lady Macbeth like figure. Ah, to mix my Shakespearean tragedies, but I am no Brutus, and Caesar is a very fine geezer. 🙂

    Second season finale for “Alienated” is mid-June. I am really kicking myself for missing this. Especially since the partial episode I saw referred to Nanaimo. Could the story-line possibly be situated in the Lower Mainland?

    It’s produced by a company based in Vancouver for Space, and it takes place, and is filmed in Victoria. So most surely it is the Island’s Nanaimo.

    Nice to see a show made in BC where the story is actually set here. Well, I mean there are a number like Vancouver’s Da Vinci’s Inquest (which is a wholly Canadian production intended primarily for Canadian audiences) and the Beachcomer’s. Forever Knight took place in Toronto. I wonder if Hollywood remade Anne of Green Gables if they’d set it in small town America? And possibly throw in a vigilante action hero at the same time? Rambo meets Anne: This time it’s war!

    Still, always fun for me to see familar local locations in TV shows like the X-Files, Outer Limits, Stargate SG-1, Sliders etc., even if they aren’t supposed to take place here. And nice to watch the filming now and then.

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