Christmas Loot

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  • #39662

    Yes, here is the thread dedicated to my favorite part of Christmas…. the haul! I post it now, since it is already Christmas in some parts of the world. (lucky b*stards! :D)

    Being the nosy person I am always interest in knowing;

    What did you get?

    What was you favorite present?

    What was you lamest present?

    And finially What did you not get that you are just going to go buy for yourself during the after christmas sales???

    Fleas on your dog!! ๐Ÿ™‚


    A very Merry Christmas to you, Frey ๐Ÿ˜€ and all of Sadgeezerdom. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Money was tight this year, as I’m sure it is for a lot of you. But I did get the one thing I’ve been wanting for a very long time, a S4, Vol.1 LEXX DVD. I’ll finally get to see P4X, the only LEXX episode I’ve never seen. Woohoo! ๐Ÿ˜€ My daughter enjoyed herself thoroughly, saying this was the best Christmas ever. That is the greatest gift for me, to know my kid had a good Christmas. ๐Ÿ˜€

    I hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas, too. ๐Ÿ˜€


    Well Santa was very good to me, but then I was, as always on the good list.

    Possibly the nicest thing I got was not mine. TheSpouse got a new laptop. and since I knew he would get bored with it in six months, I decided to step up and get him a nice Sony. ;D

    My lamest thing? A highly scented candle was amongst the stuff I received from theFather, why I have no clue. He knows I will not leave a naked flame unatendend even for a minute…. and I have perfume alergies. But it does look pretty, and has a lid to seal in all that nasty perfume. ;D

    The Best thing I * actually * got was a power point presentation from theLittlestNeice in Uk- land.

    There were of course many other pressies from theFather, thespouse, theFamily and theCo-workers, so you could say a good haul was had by one and all.

    Thebrother was particularly pleased when theFather and I bought him a plane ticket for DraconCon 2004 and theSpouse bought him his convention ticket.

    So, Merry Christmas from theFrey and theFamily to all theSadgeezer’s out there. ๐Ÿ˜€

    mandara k

    Well, a majority of my gifts are money or gift certificates so they do not exist yet; but I did get a calendar with the nebulas from Hubble; which is, in my humble opinion almost as lovely as the The Creation of Eve by Michelangelo featured this month in my December calendar. I got chai of course; but then I’m not much for lots of stuff; sure it would be nice; but what would I do with it?

    Gotta go; I hope you all have a peaceful and restiful holiday season! ๐Ÿ˜€


    Hi Fellow Sci-Fi Fans,
    Santa really treated me well this yr; he actually treated all 3 of us really well. I guess my parents & I were reall good this yr.
    Yesterday, I got a new clock/radio, a couple of sweaters, a nightgown, a new sewing machine, a couple of DVDs (Pirates of the Caribbean & George of the Jungle), a HP camera dock, a throw, Vanity tray, cd holder to hold my cds, bead & craft cannisters, Pedometer, a 2004 Sharks Calendar, Ceate-a-calendar, cd/DVD Labeller Kit & Picture It Labeller kit.

    My favourite Present I received were my new sewing machine, the 2 DVDs & HP camera dock; now that I have a sewing machine, I can make some clothes & such for myself.

    I didn’t get anything that I would’ve considered lame or ordinary; I got what I wanted & surprisingly that I put on my list. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Next month, I’ll probably get my Dragon*Con tickets; I usually like to buy them myself, since I like going to those kinds of things by myself. ๐Ÿ™‚ This is the only thing I didn’t put on my list, since my daddy doesn’t like crowds.

    Happy Boxing Day,
    Jhevz ๐Ÿ˜‰


    I bought myself an inexpensive mandolin! I used to play a little guitar (strictly as a fun hobby, nothing “professional” of course!), and I wanted to learn something new, so the mandolin seemed like the way to go. I’ve had it a week now and I love it, though my fingers still have a long way to go to get used to playing. Led Zep’s “The Battle of Evermore” sounds very cool! ๐Ÿ˜€


    jkd, now that rocks! ๐Ÿ˜€

    As for me, I got some tools, all I needed was the note, “a tool for the tool.” Nah, it was a thoughtful gift, the 48 piece socket wrench set will come in handy, I mean I only had the pathetic 24 piece set before. Real men need more bits. Ah, men and their tools. I also got a hammer *bangs head on wall* and a screwdriver *screwed again!* ๐Ÿ˜†

    Tools aside ๐Ÿ˜† , it was a fabulous Christmas. Sharing in my daughter’s first Christmas was the best gift I could get, and spending time with family … priceless …

    Really it’s true, the best things in life money can’t buy… unless one’s talking about A LOT of money, that is. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    As for another gift, unlike peace and love, the kind you can fit under a not miniscule tree, I did get a very nice suit from my wife, and several pounds of chocolate truffles (so I can fill in the suit a little better).

    Zeppers of the world unite,

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