Data Base Program recommendations needed

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    I need recommendation on which data base program to look at for my warehouse. I will admit to not progressing any further than dbase II. I know, I know. ๐Ÿ˜› But… the freaking dbII program we had developed was stable for 10 years with out a major crash, had redundancies built into it like nobodies business and…. did everything but schedule our vacation time. ๐Ÿ˜•

    However, I think it just liked me. A month after I was re-assigned the computer it was housed on died. The guy who inherited it, swears it pinned away. But…. water under the bridge so on and so forth.

    The warehouse that was de-centralized for greater efficiency, is being re-centralized to some extent. and ‘lo after all these years, I have been pulled from cubical hell and put over it again.

    The intervening years have not been kind to the storekeepers, the only database they have is Approach. Which is not much help unless you want to run a report every five minutes.

    Anyone have any suggestions on a platform to use? My main concern is that you must be able to do ‘global variable replacement’ of individual fields. And that it be a program where there are actually some books or classes available to help people who want to learn more. (Remind me some day to tell you of the horror that the financial people endure because someone migrated them to Paradox!)

    I admitt to not paying attention to DB’s over the years so I beg of thee! Recommend something! ๐Ÿ˜†

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