Did Kai Ever Really Love Xev? (spoilers)

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    After viewing the finale, I do not think so… He never told her he loved her and he had two chances, once back on earth and once in the moth…..I know in Terminal he had tears in his eyes at her demise, but I think now he might of even thought of her in a sisterly way….

    I caught part of the ending of FarScape where someone whispered to John Cryton that his lover was with child….

    How I wish that Kai loved Xev and somehow they got together and when Kai was close to dying, Prince would have whispered in his ear that Xev was with child…

    Then in the possible spin-off we could have had the character of Kai’s son,,,,accelerated to adulthood by some genetic reaction… I think it would of been great to have Xev called mother by a grown man but yet still young and beautiful…Also the premise of the show could be the people of different planets trying to destroy Kai’s son…And Stan would be the only father Kai’s son would ever know.

    I know I am rambling on but I think you all know what I mean..

    Maybe Kai’s indiference to Xev was not all related to his semi-deadness…..


    Son of Kai?



    Poor FG: First we have a series all about KAI, then a spinoff all about KAI’S SON!!

    I didn’t realize that’s how they ended Farscape this season. Pregnant heroines are the KISS OF DEATH for a TV show.




    Originally posted by :
    After viewing the finale, I do not think so… He never told her he loved her and he had two chances, once back on earth and once in the moth…..I know in Terminal he had tears in his eyes at her demise, but I think now he might of even thought of her in a sisterly way….

    I have this theory that Kai was starting to fall in love with the original Zev, and never got over her melt down in terminal. The reconstituted Xev is really a very different person from the Zev that he lost, and seems to have been drawn to. Check out their interaction in the movies. He can like Xev, but really she is a creation of Lyka–made up of various proteins and he can’t love her.



    Son of Kai?

    But wait!!!After the movie SON OF KAIthey would release THE RETURN OF THE BRUNNEN-G and THE BRUNNEN-G STRIKES BACK.Xev could have a new hairstyle symbolizing her new role of motherhood(something original, like danish pastries strapped to her head).


    Son of Kai – Yes!

    Xev could have a baby by living Kai, but as she’s half cluster lizard, it comes out looking like Squish! And she has to roam the galaxy finding human brains to feed it with!

    Hee Hee. I’d watch that


    i agree that kai could have loved zev, maybe. kai appears far more interested in zev, than he ever did in xev. my theory is when he first began to think again, a lot of internal nerves long dead began to fire, and he experienced a small rush of emotions from 2000 years past. after the death of zev, also after the deaths of his world and his old love, and his forced betrayal of everything he believed in by being changed into an assassin, and his renewed watching of humanity, he fell into what would be called a deep depression, if the dead have depressions. in the last episode, he clearly began to be affected sexually by xev, and in his last interaction with her, was feeling very sympathetic to her yearning pain, but could not overcome his heroic tendencies. i also think, that if had he been given a chance to experience life for awhile, he would not be thinking, gee, i have to die to resolved my past issues.

    of course, the reality is, MM probably was still trying to get a handle on his character in the movies and was not really fully intellectualizing what someone would be like if he was alive dead. his acting in the movies was reflecting more life in Kai than what he evolved Kai to be later since obviously MM is alive. MM perfected being more dead than alive as the years went by. also, i believe the creators and writers were not going as far as MM did with intellectualizing the character, and were more interested in a world view of cartoon characters they could play with to get out their satiric, sarcastic and perhaps a little bitter take on people and societies.

    i don’t agree with MM’s decision and argument to make him that dead after the middle of the second year. i think it would have been more interesting to make kai more conflicted with dead memories than MM wanted. possibly MM didn’t want to work so hard at developing Kai, and making Kai VERY VERY dead reduced his having to work much on the series. don’t get me wrong, MM was professional and very good at what he did, otherwise, i would not still be grabbing for tissues every hour or so for the last week whenever i remember the last 20 minutes of that episode. i also do not want to watch my dvd’s for awhile because i am so sad. but a part of me also knows this was a job for the actors, not a calling.


    Trini_T I had been thinking a movie is in order called The Last Return of the Brunnen G, enabled by the Higgs collapse triggering a barrier tunneling through the many worlds theory of physics to the real Earth, or anywhere else. Back to Kai, Xev and love. I think we should remember that Brigadoom showed us Kai had a Brunnen G love and she was Not Xev. I think the living Kai would never have gotten over the loss of his beloved Brunnen G mate. She was swept under a rug and lost from our collective attention. Kai could feel deeply for Xev, even have a separate love for her, but I think his destiny was to head over to Brunnen G heaven and be reunited with his Brunnen G lady. The “Fantasy” dance sequence with Zev was Zev’s fantasy, moving as it was. Kai clearly cared deeply for Xev, but it was not a hot headed passionate out-of-control thing, dead guy or living Kai. Besides, Xev’s karma revolved around Stanley. Stan the Man won her in the end, as seen by her affectionate hug on Little Lex as she looked around apprehensively at what the future held for her now that everything was changed. And I do think she tried a little too energetically one time to keep Stan from zappin Water (you know which scene I mean) for Stan to not have been edging into her subconscious. Kai out of the picture. The evil robot head (yes, I have to admit now we were shown 790 was just evil) maybe gone (I prefer to think 790 was munched, not waiting to pop up in lil Lexx useful as the evil one was), and Stan having shown he was the Man once again as he determined to head into battle for all mankind. Yes, Stan represents Joe Everyguy, not Kai. Kai was an epic hero. Few of ’em out there. It is fitting Stan and Xev are Adam and Eve. Gives the rest of us schmucks a realistic scifi idol.


    Kai never loved Xev. She’s not his type. Come to think of it, none of the women who have fallen in love with the dead assassin were worthy of him. I would have been angered if Kai said he loved Xev in Yo Way Yo.

    I think some fans just have these romantic notions about Kai’s relationship with Zev (and later Xev) that they have held for so long they can’t bring themselves to abandon them. The fact of the matter is, he never loved her. Period.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:

    Come to think of it, none of the women who have fallen in love with the dead assassin were worthy of him.

    Give the poor guy a break, can he only love “worthy” women?



    Kai was too preoccupied with his own death to love anyone. When he was truly alive, he acted as though he had genuine fondness for Xev.
    My opinion is that he did love the original Zev, as best as his dead body could.

    The new Xev just wasn’t her, and tho’ apparently he tried, he couldn’t have all the same feelings (well, mental images) for her.

    At the end, he was caught in the inability to find another way out for everyone, (including himself.) Too late!

    How sad.
    But I do recognise that Kai probably had his gal from on Brunnis 2 on his mind. Mourning your intended has a way of cooling you to others. Mourning your entire race would leave you feeling like a lump of mold. Poor Kai. Misunderstood and abused.
    Such is fate, and he believed in it.

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