Jules Vern NOT cancelled

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    Back in July ’01 I read this at http://www.scifi.com/julesverne/%5B/url%5D

    “The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne has completed its 2001 run on the SCI FI Channel and can be seen in syndication starting September 2001. It will return to SCI FI in October 2002. ”

    I read this in a hurry, I thought that scifi would rerun the show in September, and start the new seasonin October (01). I was a little upset that scifi didn’t live up to its word. I liked the Secret Adventures of Jules Vern.
    Well as I said I read it quickly. I just visted the site again a few moments ago, and imagine my surprise when I read it properly this time.
    Jules Vern will return with new episodes as a part of scifi’s fall schedule.

    This ups scifi’s current amount of new programmign to 5 shows:
    The Secret Advenetures of Jules Vern
    The Outer Limits
    Battlestar Galatica (remake co-production with Fox)
    Stargate SG-1

    There’s no word of a sixth show, or if there will be a sixth show. IF there were to be another show, my GUESS is B5:Rangers or a completely new show.


    i was so mad when they cancelled (or so i thought) that show! i am so happy that that is not the case. i really love that show. i can appreciate the difficulty of making a scifi show that is set in the past. i just love those cool ‘gadgets’ they have. my favorite character is Rebecca Fogg.
    thanks so much for this info Headgehog!


    Of all the Trek’s..DS9 had the absolute BEST space battles!Followed by Voyager’s “Scorpion pt.s 1 & 2”. Space battle is where it’s at bub.


    I can’t imagine that they’d make another season of the Secret Adventures of Jules Verne. Is there a market for unimaginative, uninspired, warmed over steampunk by people who couldn’t get a job working on soap operas? Honestly, I had high hopes for it, but the ultimate result was relentless mediocrity.

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