Lexx s4 dvd’s, merchandising, and so forth

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Lexx s4 dvd’s, merchandising, and so forth

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    previous thread getting too long so i have restarted with micromary’s post about the trading cards… (For Part one of this thread see post /cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=4&t=000982 )

    Committed SadGeezer
    Member # 133
    posted 09-01-2003 06:39 PM

    Originally posted by Trini_T:

    Changes cost money. Stuff needs to be done the right way first time out the gate. All the botched marketing makes me sad.
    slightly o/t: Can anyone guesstimate the net worth of Lexx (copyright, property, concepts,etc.) if A.A. decided to wash it’s hands of it? Could it be divorced from S.S.?
    Just curious (or perhaps wishful thinking)

    [ 08-01-2003: Message edited by: Trini_T ]


    In the case of the trading cards, DELAYS cost money. When I got to preview the cards they were still in the computer, where changing text is easier than changing your underwear. Delays in getting SS to approve the copy that I tried to edit, delays in getting the autograph cards signed, delays in getting the sketch cards from the artists, and of course all the delays caused by 9/11/01.

    Carl assured me that my edits wouldn’t cause a delay, as they had a window for when the cards had to go to the print shop and if SS dragged it’s feet as long as it did approving the first copy, DF could still go forward with what had already been approved; which is exactly what happened. What you see is what was originally approved by SS and they were unwilling to have edited.


    “Commit random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.”

    Posts: 148 | From: | Registered: Feb 2001 | IP: Logged

    [ 11-01-2003: Message edited by: thefrey ]


    Hey, my S4V1 DVD just arrived!

    Thank you Acorn
    Thank you Amazon

    I’ll be busy tonight



    Mine too Elmey. One tiny whine though, no music at the episode selection =( Now what happens when I fall asleep and no 15 second clip playing over and over in my mind =)



    Originally posted by LexxLurker:
    Mine too Elmey. One tiny whine though, no music at the episode selection =( Now what happens when I fall asleep and no 15 second clip playing over and over in my mind =)

    No music at the episode selection?

    (runs and checks his disc)
    (literally — I just got back)

    Oh, the main menu. I thought you meant the scene index. There’s no music there, true. But there’s the lingering ambient sound of the explosion fading there. Very minimalist.

    The main menu goes on for too long before anything happens, and I apologize in advance. As usual, things tighten up as we go. Wait ’til the next one. Still no music there, but nice thunderstorm effects in the background.



    Oh, and when the next one comes out in a couple months, I want you to be warned that while the special features menu is the MOST ANNOYING THING IN THE WORLD, it also makes me laugh hysterically. Indulge me in this, will you?

    Keep in mind, though, that I also listen to Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music for pleasure. On headphones. Loudly. The relevence of this will likely be lost on the whippersnappers among us, but go to Amazon.com and listen to the samples. Knowledge is power! For REAL!


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