Lexx Trading Cards – The Official Word

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  • #49543


    Originally posted by :
    FROM DF;well,
    here’s the latest news:

    1) One of the reasons for the delay in the release of Lexx is
    that Dynamic is still waiting for one of the actors to sign their

    thank you jj for possibly shedding light on something i heard mm say to brian regarding a whole pile of stuff to sign…i have included this conversation in the write up of hali, but basically mm said he wasn’t going to sign this pile because he ‘knew a dealer when [he] saw one’…perhaps he was referring to those trading cards? or did someone else leave a pile of things to be signed by mm?


    FROM DF;hi all … am sure you are a bit frustrated at the progress, or
    lack thereof, on Lexx Trading Cards by Dynamic Forces … well,
    here’s the latest news:

    1) One of the reasons for the delay in the release of Lexx is
    that Dynamic is still waiting for one of the actors to sign their
    cards. Another delay has been caused by the slow approval
    process by the licensor.

    2) Dynamic Forces is planning to release Lexx in December & will
    have a definitive answer in the next 10 days. If the actor’s
    signed cards come back and the approval process on the last
    couple things get done in time, Lexx will release in December.

    3) Should this not happen, Dynamic will resolicit the product,
    with improvements, for a release early in 2002.

    4) I will update you as soon as get a final decision.


    FX, has the write-up been posted yet? I think you mentioned it was going to be on an interview site of Saddy’s,but I can’t find it anywhere, and I’m dying to read it..


    LOL…I figured it was MM holding things up.

    I hope the quality of these cards is better than that preview set they released. Those were just plain pathetic! They really need to make sure that whoever is writing the copy has actually seen the show!

    If this set is any good, I might even consider forking over the money for them. I’m going to wait and see, though.


    I’m also interested in the write-up of your Hali visit, and hope you’ll include pictures.

    MMcM was my first thought, too, LOL! Seems our boy just has a hard time with the whole fan thing.


    hi guys, sorry about the delay re write up; saddy has the first draft (ridiculously long) and the final draft is going in on saturday…lots of pictures shooting back and forth across the pond as well unfortunately all of our jobs keep interfering with our real life, so it is taking an unconscionable amount of time, and i apologize…at the current size, saddy will have to break it up into sections, which will at least give peeps something to look forward to (about 25 pages of verbiage, plus all the pictures, will make for a lot of reading and perusing)

    on the topic of things to look forward to, ellen ‘giggy’ dubin is going to keep a log for us here at sadgeezer during the thailand shoots, so we will be posting those as well…between all of this, and of course your contributions, we should have stuff to
    talk about during the long dry spell ahead… love fx

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