Hi all, sorry I haven’t been around for a while!
There’s a new Lexx page for your (hopeful) enjoyment and it’s located at [url=http://lexxlists.tripod.com/LLHome.htm]http://lexxlists.tripod.com/LLHome.htm[/url] (URL is case sensitive). It’s a “by the fans for the fans” thing, so your participation is enthusiastically encouraged.
What it is, basically, is a silly little fluff page with humorous “Top 10” type lists that you can contribute to if you wish.
This site is still in its infancy, so if it seems a little dry, that’s why. More things will be coming in the future, but I wanted to get her off the ground before Season 4 began. Don’t be shy about offering suggestions or constructive criticisms, but please be gentle. [img]/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
I hope you enjoy!
“I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints” –Billy Joel