Moderators’ Halifax report

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    I just want to say Thank You FX, BlackCloud, and theFrey, for your very entertaining report on your trip to Halifax. Great job! I really appreciate the time you put into writing it all up for us. Your account is very evocative and I enjoyed it thoroughly. After I’ve had time to look it over again, I’ll probably have questions & pester ya’ll for more on some of the between-the-lines stuff leaking through.



    Originally posted by Aurora:
    I just want to say Thank You FX, BlackCloud, and theFrey, for your very entertaining report on your trip to Halifax. Great job!

    thank you aurora for taking the time to read it…we soul searched and argued quite a bit over it trying to hit the right note of humor without really slamming anyone or revealing any secrets…please ask questions, provide your commentary, whatever!…it is meant as a departure point for discussion and not ‘the final word’ …love fx


    Glad to hear it’s out, where the hell is it?
    I can’t seem to find it anywhere on this site…
    (thanks FX)


    OOPS! Never mind, I found it, it’s on the Interviews section.. Great article, guys, great article…!! Fabulous Job!! I’m really sorry MM disapointed you. I know he’s very serious about his craft, but a little consideration would have been nice. Such a shame.



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    I know he’s very serious about his craft, but a little consideration would have been nice. Such a shame.

    thank you, it will be evolving as piccy’s get added as well as the blurbs about others (i am copying the thread you guys have on lexx music to send marty simon; and i am slowly writing up the talk i had with him on the phone last week )…regards mm, i am sorry things went the way they did, and i am particularly sorry if he somehow has been burned out by the fan thing; i think most of us sincerely respect and admire him and only wish the best for him;it will probably just take him a little time to get everything back into perspective


    What a terrific write-up, you guys!! I felt like I was there with you!

    And man, it really felt like being back in Hali again…and seeing the pics of the studio and the props that we saw at Uncon, well, *sniff* I miss that place!! You were so fortunate to be able to go and see the last of the filming and the wrap party. Thanks so much for sharing it with the rest of us!


    Thanks FX, for passing our thoughts on the soundtracks and series music on to Marty. I have seldom seen a composer marry the feelings of each piece of music to it’s relevant scene so well. I will sorely miss the opportunity to hear new scores for this series, I hope he continues to produce music for us in some manner.
    And I’d like to see theFrey’s rendering of the experience on the set with MM and Brian. Her previous post on an older thread mentioned how magical it was, and how moving, but on this new version, not as much mention was made of it. Perhaps the snubbing she recieved tainted the experience for her.



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    And I’d like to see theFrey’s rendering of the experience on the set with MM and Brian. Her previous post on an older thread mentioned how magical it was, and how moving, but on this new version, not as much mention was made of it. Perhaps the snubbing she recieved tainted the experience for her.

    Ummm…. I know I’m getting old, but perhaps you are thinking of something FX said. While MM was serenading Brian I was getting the Questions ready for the Donovan interview.

    Snubbed? He Canadian for crying out loud. I have never been diss’ed so subtly in my whole life! I am always open to a learning experience and I have picked up several new non-verbal tricks.

    [ 23-10-2001: Message edited by: thefrey ]


    I just got finished reading the account of the trip! Boy, am I jealous! I wish I could have come along. Myself, I would have spent alot of time hanging out with the CGI guys. (Me being computer-generated an’ all… )

    But I want to say something about the… thing with Michael McManus. None of it suprises me. I grew up in the theater, surrounded by actors and their personal soap-operas, etc. (My mother was a theater director. I declined to pursue the stage arts in favor of the visual arts.) I’ve seen this kind of thing before. Sometimes one of the stars is perceived as “stuck-up” or “full of themselves”. I firmly beleive that it is their perogative to be that way. If they do a good job, fine– give them a wide berth. Being Mr. Wonderful to the fans is not part of the job description. Knowing your character, remembering your lines, and executing the instructions of the director is what the job is all about.

    Also, consider the part he plays. Kai is a completely stoical, emotionless character. I would think it unwise to be chumy and crack jokes on the set. It would make it difficult to get into character. (Though I would love to see a blooper reel of Kai falling out of character and bursting into laughter!)

    And that bit with the fight scene in the cage with the camera shot from behind and between his legs. The exchange you guys witnessed didn’t sound out of the ordinary at all. A director can have all sorts of ideas for camera shots on paper. But when you are there on the set with the actors, things don’t always work as well as planned. The actor is the one who knows best about how they will look on stage or screen. If they didn’t have that sort of self-awareness, they wouldn’t be very good actors. In fact, I think it’s commendable that Michael McManus cares so much about his character, Kai.

    If I could sit down and converse with Michael (which ain’t gonna happen, I know), I’d tell him a few words of advice. I would say, “Follow the example of Patrick (Capt. Picard) Stuart. He doesn’t usually have much contact with fans. Maybe you should seek his advice about how he deals with Trek fandom. On the other extreme is the gregarious Marina (Deanna Troi) Sirtis who loves to go to conventions. Maybe you should ask her why the hell she does it. But most of all, Michael, you should drop any pre-conceived notions of the type of people who constitute fandom. Of course, there are plenty of geeks! But these outlandish shows and movies that fans watch inspire them to be writers, artists, actors, scientists, engineers, doctors, and much more. You can’t say that about either Baywatch or I, Claudius. I’m not going to tell you what to expect if you decide to make an appearance at a convention. You need to obtain advice from other actors who have done it plenty of times. All I can say is that if you are interested in raising money for any charity of your choice, you should do it.”

    But then again, maybe he’s just an @ssh*le!



    Originally posted by Aurora:
    I just want to say Thank You FX, BlackCloud, and theFrey, for your very entertaining report on your trip to Halifax. Great job! I really appreciate the time you put into writing it all up for us. Your account is very evocative and I enjoyed it thoroughly. After I’ve had time to look it over again, I’ll probably have questions & pester ya’ll for more on some of the between-the-lines stuff leaking through.

    Glad ya liked it, Aurora. I only wish I’d had my telephoto lens with me. Distance enhances my courage immensely…so does beer, but that wasn’t allowed on-set.


    McManus is just a dude. He acts for a living. Not to dredge up anything ugly.. but recently.. and it’s happened before. I’ve seen posts from other people on SciFi about moi. People expressing their dissappointment with me and calling me “jerk-off”. People who I don’t even know and don’t know where I’m coming from or what I’m talking about. How dare people I don’t know judge me because I did or said something they didn’t approve of, because prior to that they admired or liked me from afar.

    None of you are Michael. You don’t know what he’s been through. Maybe he’s shy. Maybe he is a prick. But you can’t expect him to live up to any preconcieved notions you have just because you are attracted to him or admire his acting style.

    Just because the people at Jack in the BoX make great tacos doesn’t mean that we should hang out or would even enjoy each other’s company. It’s just a job they do and I enjoy the product, much like LEXX.

    If I ever met him or any other actor in person.. I’d treat them with the same disregard as I’d treat anyone else

    They are only human beings, just like us.



    Originally posted by X:
    None of you are Michael. You don’t know what he’s been through. Maybe he’s shy. Maybe he is a prick. But you can’t expect him to live up to any preconcieved notions you have just because you are attracted to him or admire his acting style.

    If I ever met him or any other actor in person.. I’d treat them with the same disregard as I’d treat anyone else

    They are only human beings, just like us.

    I guess that’s generally what I was trying to say, too. But it’s up to Michael and no one else about what he wants to do with the whole Lexx thing now that it’s all over. And you know what? After stating my opinion about the subject in my post above, I really don’t want to add anymore to the subject. But I remain silently curious.

    On a lighter note, I’m very eager to find out about the future of all the people involved with the production of Lexx. In particular, I want to know more about Paul’s idea for a show taking place in Renaisance Italy! CGI sets really work because Lexx and The Phantom Menace prove it (among others). I want to see more of Brian and I can’t get enough of gorgeous Xenia!


    Let me add my thanks for the write-up! It was terrific, and I laughed out loud at the funny bits. I love the behind-the-scenes stuff as much as I love the show. I wish I could have been there with you.

    Brian Downey is just an all-around nice guy, I can’t say it any better than that. And the rest of the cast and crew and producers were very gracious and kind to us when we were there for UnCon, so it doesn’t surprise me that they were so nice to you when you went.

    As for Michael, well, he’s a good actor and I’ve enjoyed his performances and the character he’s embodied. I guess it would be too presumptious of me to expect him to be the kind of person in real life that *I* want him to be. He is his own person, and if he’s not the kind of person I would normally want to know, c’est la vie. I do hope I will see him in other roles on TV or feature films, and count myself lucky that I was not disappointed by meeting him in person.

    Anyway, thanks again, it was kind of you to share that with us. Sorry about the broken foot, though.



    Originally posted by FX:
    …regards mm, i am sorry things went the way they did, and i am particularly sorry if he somehow has been burned out by the fan thing; i think most of us sincerely respect and admire him and only wish the best for him;it will probably just take him a little time to get everything back into perspective

    I agree that most of us have sincere respect for the actor. It’s a dirty shame if some kooks have made it unpleasant for him, and very disappointing if he just hates fans. Either way, there was no call for him to be rude. Never-the-less, I join you in wishing him well, along with all the cast and crew of what has been a most unusually entertaining and engaging show.

    I intend to have lots of questions for you – as soon as I sort them out in my head and figure out a nice way to ask.


    Quote from “The Invasion of the Moderators” — “As we all watched the monitor, Frey and I were hit with the dreadful realization that we now knew exactly how Lexx will end. I felt like the kid who finds out what his gifts are a week before Christmas morning. All the light went out of this trip for me right then, and DAMMIT I know who is responsible for this!”

    Question: Um, who *is* responsible for this?

    I absolutely *do not want to know* how Lexx ends! Paul D. needn’t have worried about spoiling the last episode. I’d close my eyes and cover my ears and chant “lalalalalalala” if you *tried* to tell me (and I know that would never happen). You poor things!



    Originally posted by Aurora:

    Question: Um, who *is* responsible for this?

    erm, apparently mm is (at least partially), since he’lobbied for it’ (refer to conversation between milk fed boy and michael, friday, oct 5th)


    What a great write-up, thanks so much, you guys! And thank you too, Saddy, for putting it up so quickly!

    And for the record, as a spoiler slut, I would *kill* to have seen that final scene. I’m truly sorry it was spoiled for you guys, but I had to laugh just imagining the look of dawning realization and horror on Paul Donovan’s face.


    Quote from “The Invasion of the Moderators”: McGarbo then proceeded to ignore almost everyone in studio 2. Brian went to him at one point, and we heard Mikey say ” I finally signed all that stuff you left me, except for that one pile, I know a dealer when I see one!” Hmmm. Someone hoping to be able to retire off their e-bay earnings? Seriously Mr. McManus, how much money can you make off of Lexx memorabilia for chrissake?!

    What a wanker! Oh I forgot, the dead are well-qualified to identify a dealer when they see one.


    Quote from Invasion of the Moderators: (Oh, yeah, right. If that were true I’d have my trading card back from uncon. I even left five funny monies there attached to it for return mailing because it was Sunday and the post was closed. Bet ya spent that on cancer sticks, “dealer” boy, eh?

    Dang – he totally owes Blackie a drink (well, a smoke, anyway).
    *aurora checks pockets* Where’s my stun gun?



    Originally posted by Aurora:
    [QBOh I forgot, the dead are well-qualified to identify a dealer when they see one. [/QB]

    funny thing is,someone had mentioned on one of the threads about trading cards, that there was one actor who wasn’t signing the stuff; i wonder if this is the stuff in question? i truly lost what little nerve i had to ask for any autographs and besides, in my hellhole of a house it would just be one more pile of paper to root through years from now



    Originally posted by Aurora:
    Dang – he totally owes Blackie a drink (well, a smoke, anyway).
    *aurora checks pockets* Where’s my stun gun?[/QB]

    poor blackie, she has been pawing through all of her healing crystals trying to get over that trading card frey left at one point on friday afternoon and ordered me to get a picture signed by mikey for tony and katya…i thought about it, and given that my spine is basically oatmeal, i asked brian if he would ask mikey to sign it…needless to say brian just looked at me, blissfully unaware of all of the dissing and counterdissing, and said,”jeez eleanor, just ask him, he’s right there, he won’t mind” …needless to say i skulked off to a dark corner cursing myself for my cowardice, and sort of hung my head in shame when frey came back and asked if i had gotten the autograph



    Originally posted by Kali:
    And for the record, as a spoiler slut, I would *kill* to have seen that final scene. I’m truly sorry it was spoiled for you guys, but I had to laugh just imagining the look of dawning realization and horror on Paul Donovan’s face.

    Hey, I didn’t say it spoiled it for me! I loved finding out ahead of time. Muwhhhhaaaaa

    Oh, I don’t know if I would call it a look of horror but it was just precious.


    I have a card signed by MM but I had to pay for it. It was one of four Lexx items I bought in one of auctions…. Actually, you can’t really distinguish it as his name…it looks like a bunch of curley q’s running together…..I also have a Luvliner script signed by Paul, Jeff and Lex…. but the script did’nt actually match the episode that was finally made. I guess they make changes as they go along…



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    I just got finished reading the account of the trip! Boy, am I jealous! I wish I could have come along. Myself, I would have spent alot of time hanging out with the CGI guys. (Me being computer-generated an’ all… )

    That was too cool, well okay bad choice of words, ’cause I was dying from the heat practically the entire time I was in Halli. Who knew they would be having a heat wave in October? Note to self: If you want cool weather and Fall colors, next time pack summer clothes and leave your jacket at home.

    But it was very interesting. They were all so nice, and I would have killed for about 20 unsupervised minutes at any of the work stations. The only thing was I would have needed a much bigger monitor, they were working in such high resolution that when Alex pulled up I could barely read the type.



    Originally posted by dgrequeen:
    I do hope I will see him in other roles on TV or feature films, and count myself lucky that I was not disappointed by meeting him in person.

    Well for the record let me say that I had a marvelous time in Halifax and would do it again in a heart beat. I could have lived with out the broken foot, but I don’t even mind that too much.

    Now, was I in anyway disappointed? No, not at all. I accomplished everything I had wanted to do at UnCon, and so much more. I met and spoke with both Mr. Donovan and Mr. McManus and I went on a full studio tour. Then I got to have to dinner with Mr. Downey (my niece Jackie was sooooo jealous!), make Ms. Seeberg smile, chit chat with Rolf and Patricia, visit the CGI people, wander unfettered where ever the spirit took me, and go to a really great wrap party and see an uncut version of an ep that is not going to show here for months.

    Of course the icing on the cake was getting to present my klones to their principals in person. As any crafter will tell you, part of the fun of making something is the expression on peoples faces when you give your craft to them. It was way more satisfying than just mailing them into the abyss and wondering how they liked them. When I made the first klone, quite a few people expressed a desire to see Mikey’s face when he first laid eyes on it. I have to say that was everything I had thought it would be. But then like our own dear FX, “I’m easily amused.”

    It is of course unfortunate that MM was less than thrilled with our presence, but that is his prerogative. Of course our prerogative was to chronicle it for our article. We were warned going in that this might happen. It really didn’t spoil anything for me, and trust me people, it was not without its amusing moments. Many years ago, before I mellowed and became a beam of sunlight, I held a Masters Degree in Aggravation. The fact that I was doing it with no effort on my part was… well, kind of comical.

    I also have quite fond memories of many small items that did not find their way into ‘The Invasion of the Moderators’ (Working title being ‘The Opus that wouldn’t Quit’) Perhaps one of my favorites was fulfilling a promise to theNeice to make a personal plea to Mr. Donovan to please stop picking on poor Stanley. She gets upset at Stanley being embarrassed or put into peril every week. And I’m afraid Stanley getting a lip lock by GothKai was pretty much the last straw for her. Mr. Donovan got a pretty good laugh out of her plea. And while we both knew it wasn’t going to happen, at least I was able to tell her that he said he would think about it.



    Originally posted by :
    I have a card signed by MM but I had to pay for it. It was one of four Lexx items I bought in one of auctions…. Actually, you can’t really distinguish it as his name…it looks like a bunch of curley q’s running together…..I also have a Luvliner script signed by Paul, Jeff and Lex…. but the script did’nt actually match the episode that was finally made. I guess they make changes as they go along…

    hey nb, howyadoin? blackie brought me back a presigned postcard left by mm for the uncon; when i looked at it i thought it said “to drdel…scribble scribble kai”…it was only when she referred to it in hali that i realized it must say michael mcmanus, and that that was his handwriting (maybe his mom wanted him to be a doctor? )

    regarding scripts not matching shows; i guess i thought that was solely due to editing, but when we watched them shoot scenes, they all improvised from take to take (well, mm, brian and louis del grande)…they never said the same line twice unless they were really tired and fed up…so it was neat seeing how they finetuned the lines up to the final take…mm particularly was having fun with his ‘i have killed speech’; from take to take he would elaborate and carry on until he had everyone and the kitchen sink thrown into that speech; that was a lot of fun and very illuminating for a newbie to theatre/film making



    Originally posted by thefrey:

    Of course the icing on the cake was getting to present my klones to their principals in person. As any crafter will tell you, part of the fun of making something is the expression on peoples faces when you give your craft to them. It was way more satisfying than just mailing them into the abyss and wondering how they liked them. When I made the first klone, quite a few people expressed a desire to see Mikey’s face when he first laid eyes on it. I have to say
    that was everything I had thought it would be. But then like our own dear FX, “I’m easily amused.”

    So… what *was* the expression on McGarbo’s face? Mystification? Stunned awe? Puzzlement? Horror? Disdain? Shock? Lust? Fear? Shame at being a weenie to such a sweet lady?

    btw, Frey, how’s your foot now? Are you hobbled? For how long? There did seem to be a nasty stairs theme throughout the studios.

    Overall, it sounds like a very cool trip. I intend to enjoy it vicariously by going over every detail with you 3, one by one by one by one…bwahahahaha!



    Originally posted by thefrey:

    Well for the record let me say that I had a marvelous time in Halifax and would do it again in a heart beat. I could have lived with out the broken foot, but I don’t even mind that too much.

    everything frey says! at the time it was sometimes hard to realize how special it was, but now i am so glad i did it, and that i got to play with frey and blackie …i only wish more of you guys had been there; i think more perspectives and wildness would have been even better, if possible (although the antics of a larger mob might have led to us all being booted out of electropolis )



    Originally posted by X:

    If I ever met him or any other actor in person.. I’d treat them with the same disregard as I’d treat anyone else

    Baby you can drive my car!




    Originally posted by Aurora:
    So… what *was* the expression on McGarbo’s face? Mystification? Stunned awe? Puzzlement? Horror? Disdain? Shock? Lust? Fear? Shame at being a weenie to such a sweet lady?

    btw, Frey, how’s your foot now? Are you hobbled? For how long? There did seem to be a nasty stairs theme throughout the studios.

    It was simply priceless. As I said, “MM gave me a very stuffed, deer caught in the headlights kind of look and then just sort of stared at the Klone.” I think appalled pretty much says it all.

    Although after hearing about some peoples klones being posed in cough*compromisingpositions*cough, and a cute story I heard about some season one props, I perhaps can understand it. And who knows, under different circumstances I might have sympathized. I do know that even though I was hounded to make some Cod Piece Kai’s and some additions of a personal nature, I refused because I though that was a bit of a diss to the person portrayed. Silly me huh.

    Yes, I knew the stairs would be trouble the moment I laid eyes on them. I really should have listened to my dad when he told me not to get that motorcycle when I was younger. I will get an xray this friday and if she likes what she sees it will be another four weeks on the wooden boot, otherwise it will be a cast for me.


    Quote from Moderators Invastion: “Suffice to say that my feelings were not of friendly nature, but there was some satisfaction in having my suspicions confirmed.”

    No, FX, this will not suffice. What suspicions are you talking about here? (this is from the Milk-Fed Boy section of your report). I will ferret out your secrets, girls, so fess up everything!



    Originally posted by Aurora:
    Quote from Moderators Invastion: “Suffice to say that my feelings were not of friendly nature, but there was some satisfaction in having my suspicions confirmed.”

    ahhah, the suspicions i alluded to on thursday;

    As we all watched the monitor, Frey and I were hit with the dreadful realization that we now knew exactly how Lexx will end. I felt like the kid who finds out what his gifts are a week before Christmas morning. All the light went out of this trip for me right then, and DAMMIT I know who is responsible for this!

    is this getting circular? as soon as i saw that ending, the thought that mm had a hand in it popped into my suspicious and paranoid little mind; then on friday i heard him discussing it with the little milk fed boy…mind you, when i saw the lexx ending on thursday, mm had entered the studio to feed brian his lines, and was lying on his side on the floor with his tiny little butt pointed at us…frey’s still flipping through pages of questions in the dark, and i am wondering if anyone would notice if i just raced over to the recumbant body and delivered a swift kick to the booty…it was dark in that studio and i could probably be behind the set before anyone figured out what happened (unless of course i tripped on a cable on the way out)…so i decided to bide my time instead and see if i could get those suspicions confirmed



    Originally posted by FX:
    is this getting circular?

    Yeah, and thanks for your patient repetition. I’m a bit dense sometimes.


    FX, Frey and BC~~ what a fun report. I am green with envy. I’d love to know how the show ends! I so wanted to go to Hali for the end of a legend. I will have to remain grateful for the time I did get to spend there earlier this year. It really is an experience to watch them film. The dinner, was the restaurant the Italian one in Keith’s Brewery?


    Xenia’s a real sweetheart, huh? Anyone know, is she going back to Germany now or might we see her in something new?

    Brian sounds like a great guy. D’ya think he’d be willing to pop in if there is some sort of Lexxian bash next year? (see the WorldCon thread under Lexx Conventions)

    irrelevant sidebar: Had a Lexx dream a week or so ago. Your report reminded me of it. Dream: Lexx had wrapped up and I tagged along with Brian Downey to his old hometown in newfoundland. He had a couple of goth-girls with him most of the time (one on each arm). Brian was just like you’ve described him – warm, funny, charming, friendly, classy, etc. There was a bar (in a hill) where we hung out a bit, and everybody was friendly. The island was rustic & wild, dark & cold, wet & salty. The nights were very long and the northern lights were fantastic. MM was also there, always quiet, in the background. He only came to life on stage, with an audience (in the bar), and then he was manic. Somebody told me MM needed to take medicine for something like post-traumatic stress disorder. I was told he needed a lot of peace and quiet and we should make allowances for his “sensitive” nature. After lots of fun in the bar, and exploring the island, Brian went off on a fishing boat, and I flew away (as I am prone to do in dreams when they get dull). I offered to teach MM to fly before I left, but he was too scared.–



    Originally posted by nwmonikr:
    FX, Frey and BC~~ what a fun report. I am green with envy. I’d love to know how the show ends! I so wanted to go to Hali for the end of a legend. I will have to remain grateful for the time I did get to spend there earlier this year. It really is an experience to watch them film. The dinner, was the restaurant the Italian one in Keith’s Brewery?

    i think so, i have the receipt for it here somewhere but i think the name begins with a g! venetian themed place (venetian as in venice, not venus )the building is grey stone kind of place with other shops in it, including a window display of men’s clothes when you go inside that brian claims has not been changed since the beginning of lexx (he says they just dust off the clothes every now and again) it is amazing what your questions are making me remember!



    Originally posted by Aurora:

    Yeah, and thanks for your patient repetition. I’m a bit dense sometimes.

    au contraire! i was referring to my writing skills and stream of consciousness, not your understanding (as i plowed back through the pages to bring out the quotes, it occurred to me how disjointed it all was!)



    Originally posted by Aurora:
    Xenia’s a real sweetheart, huh? Anyone know, is she going back to Germany now or might we see her in something new?

    i hope so, but we were reluctant to bother her much because of physical suffering while the filming was going on

    Brian sounds like a great guy. D’ya think he’d be willing to pop in if there is some sort of Lexxian bash next year? (see the WorldCon thread under Lexx Conventions)

    i got the distinct feeling he meant it when he said he and nigel were definitely up for conventions…why not ask? as frey says, you get nothing if you do not ask for it

    irrelevant sidebar: Had a Lexx dream a week or so ago. Your report reminded me of it.
    i like it, especially brian with two goth girls on dark and blowy streets…i hope we haven’t contributed to mm’s medication needs…



    Originally posted by nwmonikr:
    The dinner, was the restaurant the Italian one in Keith’s Brewery?

    Or was it D’Maritzio? Brian had told me about that one before Uncon, and said I simply *must* eat there. It sounds like one of his favorite places. He said it was expensive though, so I had to pass. No idea what the place looked like, since I never went there.


    Yes, that’s the one, FX. It sounds like you were able to fox Brian since you have the receipt. I don’t remember the name either, but it’s in my Halifax guide. The food was quite good as was the wine. I had a little talk with the manager before he arrived. I think it surprised him when the restaurant wouldn’t accept his payment. He brought along Caroline and Mary Elizabeth. I just hope they had as much fun as I did. As for MM, it was amusing to watch him pointedly try to ignore me, yet still working his way closer to where I sat while I watched them filming. I have some interesting candid moments captured for posterity. Xenia and I giggled like a couple of girls at a slumber party, we got in trouble (well nearly) a couple of times. She is a character. I’m sorry she was feeling punk for the last days of Lexx. I hope someone can tell us if Xenia will be staying in Hali or going back to Germany. I hope I get to see her again someday. MM will doubtless return to Toronto. He was way too relieved when he found out he was going to be in Iceland for the big day at the studio during UnCon. What will happen to Electropolis? Will Alliance keep it or will they get rid of it? I was glad to hear many of the behind the scenes folks all ready have possibilities. They busted their butts for that show and I was worried about them. I still have a plane ticket to re-schedule. I wasn’t able to get back to Hali for UnCon. I’d like to go back and have some more fish ‘n chips at Bearly’s House of Blues. ‘Course, there’s also the lobster and steamed mussels at Salty’s. OOOoo my tummy is growling. I don’t know though, going back could be depressing and I sure wouldn’t have the fun I did last May.

    [ 25-10-2001: Message edited by: nwmonikr ]



    Originally posted by nwmonikr:
    [QB]As for MM, it was amusing to watch him pointedly try to ignore me, yet still working his way closer to where I sat while I watched them filming. QB]

    Really, how odd, I can almost see it happening.


    Originally posted by nwmonikr:
    [QB]As for MM, it was amusing to watch him pointedly try to ignore me, yet still working his way closer to where I sat while I watched them filming. QB]

    Really, how odd, I can almost see it happening.


    it sounds like he loves any and all attention but hates to admit it, hehe



    Originally posted by Aurora:

    Dang – he totally owes Blackie a drink (well, a smoke, anyway).
    *aurora checks pockets* Where’s my stun gun?

    Yeh, and a bloody trading card! (arggg, letting go, letting go…*deep breath*)



    Originally posted by FX:

    i think more perspectives and wildness would have been even better, if possible (although the antics of a larger mob might have led to us all being booted out of electropolis )

    And, more booze! There definitely should have been more booze! (how they expected us to get an interview without bracin’ our nerves is beyond me ) Yes, a whole drunken rabble being booted out of Electropolis…whoo-hoo!



    Originally posted by nwmonikr:
    FX, Frey and BC~~ what a fun report. I am green with envy. I’d love to know how the show ends! I so wanted to go to Hali for the end of a legend. I will have to remain grateful for the time I did get to spend there earlier this year. It really is an experience to watch them film. The dinner, was the restaurant the Italian one in Keith’s Brewery?

    FX, you should be able to field this one(find that receipt woman!) I just remember it being a part of a suite of stores and the one men’s store with the man’s suit on display that hadn’t been changed in years! The Hostess was hijacked, practically bum-rushed so Brian couldn’t pick up the tab (I’m tellin’ ya, if ya want to fix the national debt, just invite Brian over for a visit , he’s that generous!). I also remember wishing the evening could go on and on. I love listening to people tell good stories. Yep, loved it so much I left my bag there and had to come back for it from the Shoe. (I got nervous at first but then Brian reminded me where I was; only in Canada could I not sweat in fear of it being instantly stolen or ransacked )

    [ 25-10-2001: Message edited by: BlackCloud ]



    Originally posted by nwmonikr:
    I still have a plane ticket to re-schedule. I wasn’t able to get back to Hali for UnCon. I’d like to go back and have some more fish ‘n chips at Bearly’s House of Blues. ‘Course, there’s also the lobster and steamed mussels at Salty’s. OOOoo my tummy is growling. I don’t know though, going back could be depressing and I sure wouldn’t have the fun I did last May.

    [ 25-10-2001: Message edited by: nwmonikr ]

    Oh, nwmonikr, go back, go back! I went there before Lexx and will go after Lexx. Canada’s too gorgeous not to visit. I’m sure you’ll run into someone Lexx-related. Hell, there’ll probably be bits and pieces of Lexx in and about Halifax, too, for you to run into, especially at the ever popular Shoe. Go back to Jamai…I mean, Halifax. (I sound like a travel brochure yet?)

    [ 25-10-2001: Message edited by: BlackCloud ]

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