Need first season vid caps?

Science Fiction TV Show Guides Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Need first season vid caps?

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  • #37103

    I’m working on my own episode guide. In the process of doing this, I’ve loaded the entire first season onto one of my computers. I’m doing this in order to easily look for frames to use as illustrations. If you would like a particular frame from any episode in the form of 640×480 JPEGs, let me know what you would like. They are all taken from the first season DVDs, so they are very clear.

    Here are some examples: Attack.jpg pg

    [ 11-08-2002: Message edited by: Flamegrape ]


    Flame the one I am interested in is on the title shots as the music plays in s2 or s3 it shows a very young terrified kai inside the Lexx logo iris just as it starts to close.

    mandara k

    Who knew that Lex would be the model for Triple XXX!!!! Think of the cash Mr. G could be raking in if he kept the look. Vin Diesel; Pft…. please.

    mandara k

    Thus begins the 6 separations of LEXX or what is commonly called sharing ideas.

    Like, for example in the recent Star Wars movie those rolling machine robot things; purely Xev/Zev stuff

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