New Fans!

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    Ive noticed something very strange regarding Season 4 of Lexx whilst browsing the various Lexx chat and discussion boards. Some of the “old-timer” Lexx fans have hated the recent episodes (esp. “Midsummers Nightmare”, “Bad Carrott” etc.) yet these very same episodes have been watched by new Lexx fans and LOVED! I’m always reading stuff like

    “That was the best Lexx I have ever seen. And the person that was watching
    Lexx with me is now a die hard Lexx fan! So Lexx gained at least one new Lexx
    fan last night. Wonderful! Magickal! Cutting Edge! Extreme! In short I have
    to say I am still, over 12 hours after watching Bad Carrot in Lexxstacy!
    More! More! More! I can hardly wait for the un-cut DVD’s of the season 4 shows, especially “Bad Carrot”. I think next week I will have a Lexx Party! Good work sci-fi and thank you for not neutering that episode, I have not laughed so hard in years!”

    Strange that isnt it.

    Do you think old Lexx fans are becoming jaded and almost immune to the weirdness and cleverness of Lexx or do you think theyve just forgotten why they started watching it in the first place?


    Do you think old Lexx fans are becoming jaded and almost immune to the weirdness and cleverness of Lexx or do you think theyve just forgotten why they started watching it in the first place?

    Give me a break!! So now its the old fan’s fault? If that’s the case, how do we explain many of the old fan’s continued warmth for it? Maybe we can then argue that only true fans ever got it in the first place. Or conversely, that these new fans can’t be regarded as the real mccoy because they don’t know why other (jaded?) fans introduced it to them despite their own misgivings. but I don’t want to argue either of these things, because it creates a divide between who is or is not really a fan. and that’s crap. Season 4 actually shows how jaded the makers have become, and indicates that they have forgotten what made it clever and weird in the first place. Hint: it doesn’t involve the wholesale appropriation of the Hammer Horror film in the guise of a parody (W. Night), an incredibly smug satire of Survivor, a pointless **** take of Texas, etc. This is not clever or weird – it is familiar and conforting. GENERALLY SPEAKING, it has been like watching someone shoot fish in a barrel: with a water pistol!!


    Im an old fan. Ive been there since the beginning. Im not trying to stir up trouble as to who is a “real fan”. Im just stating a lot of new fans have joined up with Season 4. I like Season 4. Im sick of all these so called fans who are whining about how their precious Lexx has gone crap. Season 4 is excellent and just as good as any other Season. I dont think the makers have become Jaded. I still think Lexx is great TV and 10 times more special than anything else on TV at the moment. Big word of advice. If you dont like Season 4, DO NOT WATCH IT. That way you will be happy and cling on to your happy memories of Lexx Season 1 and I will be happy not to have to read your endless belly-aching on how rubbish Lexx is. I suggest you join the ENTERPRISE forum.


    no need to be like that Jedi – you asked, and i responded. and the reason you asked is because you appeared to want to discuss it – sorry, my mistake. BIGGER WORD OF ADVICE: if you don’t want to hear me or anyone else badmouth it, why keeping bringing it up? Not very enterprising. You might want to consider moderating a forum that encourages more moderate responses – like the Enterprise forum.



    Originally posted by :
    no need to be like that Jedi

    I think there’s every “need to be like that”. At every turn, you post messages attacking any praise for the 4th season. I was going to just ignore this thread after your first response, but now I feel I had to defend JumpingJedi.

    JJ brought up some valid points. Myself, I haven’t bothered to check other Lexx chats and bboards. But JJ does, since he runs a very nice Lexx website and makes a point of keeping track of such things. If the 4th season is attracting new fans, that’s wonderful!


    Originally posted by :
    you asked, and i responded. and the reason you asked is because you appeared to want to discuss it – sorry, my mistake.

    The question he asked about jaded fans can be asked about any TV show. Yes, JJ wanted to discuss it. But you scolded him for bringing up the idea of comparing new and old fans.


    Now back to the discussion:

    I think it’s great that Lexx has attracted new fans this season. If they are impressed with the goofy parodies presented in the forth season, I wonder what they would think of the “dark satires” of season 2 (as FX put it in another thread) or of the allegorical season 3. (I’m not sure how season 1 could be summed up in a word or phrase…)


    Well, I have to say that I have mostly liked Season4 a lot. But then I also liked the movies, Season2, AND Season3 (my favorite). You might think I’m just easy to please, but I like to think that I’m a Lexx fan who’s always open to and adaptible to change. After all, that’s what Lexx has always been about. The Beans never wanted to keep turning out the same formula year after year.

    That said, there are episodes I don’t care for. I absolutely hated White Trash, but I’m willing to admit that my dislike is probably due more to my own sensitivities than to the writing or acting in that ep. I also didn’t really like Love Grows (although I thought Xev was pretty funny as a man), and I don’t like most of A Midsummer Nightmare. So what? I’d wonder about myself if I liked every single episode uncritically.

    I’ve noticed the new fans though, and that’s pretty cool. I’m willing to bet if Scifi will put Lexx into syndication the fan base will grow and grow.


    Thanks for the defence Flamegrape.

    I dont understand people who just post to slag off Lexx. Whats the point?

    I dont like Coronation Street (a UK soap opera) and I dont feel any need to go to the Coronation Street forum and tell everyone how much I dont like it.

    I dont expect everyone to agree with the subtle changes that have taken place with Season 4 but enough is enough. If I didnt like a program I’d stop watching it.

    Season 4, to me, hasnt really differed from Season 1, 2 or 3. Okay, its in a bit less of a Sci-Fi setting but the stories and characters could easily be transposed into those of any of the other Seasons. Instead of the Lexx going to another new planet and meeting a strange culture they hang around Earth meeting the same strange and different cultures. Whats the problem?

    Is it the Extra Humour? The fact they are on Earth? or What? I dont get it why some people feel so dis-enchanted with the fourth Season. It seems to be getting go reviews in the Media, attracting new fans and carrying on with the same crazy and irreverant style of the other seasons. There are good and not so good episodes. But that LEXX!!

    Think back through the mists of time to the Glove puppet Cluster Lizards, Dodgy Dress code of Thodin, Eating Pattern of Season 1 and the lulls in Season 2, The on going frustrations with Season 3. Lexx Season 4 has all of these.

    But also think back to the excellent story and characters and absolute entertainment and daring of the previous Seasons. Lexx Season 4 has all of these too.

    Keep the good times coming….





    Excellent response JJ. I didn’t like Season 4 at first. . .it just seemed too different somehow. But now that Lexx is back from the break, I’ve liked every episode, 4.11 and 4.12 were hilarious and extremely enjoyable. . .and I don’t even know why! I’m just excited to see what the next episode brings.


    Well, if you liked the last 2 episodes, you’ll probably like the next one too. On a ‘weird’ scale, it’s way up there.

    Kai: “790, you’ve changed.”


    Originally posted by Time Prophet:
    Excellent response JJ. I didn’t like Season 4 at first. . .it just seemed too different somehow. But now that Lexx is back from the break, I’ve liked every episode, 4.11 and 4.12 were hilarious and extremely enjoyable. . .and I don’t even know why! I’m just excited to see what the next episode brings.


    Right on JJ, to me a true Lexx fan is someone who recognises it’s bad points as well as it’s good ones, but what is the point of dwelling on it’s bad points?
    Bonnee certainly seems to have an axe to grind, but no matter how long he whines, it won’t change anyone’s impression of Lexx.
    So I have to say Bonnee, your constant whining serves no purpose here, I know Saddy encourages any comments, be it good or bad, but c’mon, don’t you think you’ve done enough Lexx bashing???
    I find it doubtful that anyone can continually find fault with this season, it seems that Lexx cannot do anything right in your view, to the rest of us it’s typical Lexx, and hasn’t changed it the way it presents itself, i.e wacky, humourous and sometimes just plain silly…but that’s the way we like it, and if you liked the previous seasons, then you would expect no less from this season.


    I dont like Coronation Street (a UK soap opera) and I dont feel any need to go to the Coronation Street forum and tell everyone how much I dont like it.

    JJ, I also hate that boring, depressing and annoying programme, it anywhere deserved a good nukin’, it’s the studios where that crap is made.
    I’ve come to the conclusion that people in this country enjoy being depressed, which is why they watch it!!!

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