NEW Lexx Raffle

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  • #39369

    New Lexx Dragon Con Raffle. A few different things in the main raffle. Let me know what you think of the Kailing. Maria from Russia did the graphic, great huh.

    Lexx Gear

    I “HEART” his Divine Shadow Boxer shorts (XL)

    Lexx Ornament, DragonCon 2003

    “Kill a Trekkie” t-shirt (XL)

    “Kai spots a Klingon” – t-shirt (XL)

    “What’s not to Love” t-shirt

    “Whats not to Love” Coffee Mug.

    Main Raffle

    Genuine Kai Poster from Salter Street, this is my LAST ONE!!! I am not even holding back one for myself. (God what a dedicated person I am).

    The dragonfly collection several hand stitched or in the case of the broach, hand beaded items .

    Kailing – 9″ Cotton stuffed doll

    Autographed pictures of Ms. W and Ms. Z in a protective plastic sleeve.

    Autographed Picture and CD of Xenia

    Boomtown Story boards

    Genuine Lexx Xev Blanket Prop

    Signed Picture of Rolf ‘President Priest’ Kanies

    Lexx Dark Forces Michael McManus Signature Trading Card – WITH OUT signature

    Complete starter set of the 72 basic Dark Forces Lexx cards


    Xenia Raffle Part Duck

    Autographed Poster of Xenia Seeberg

    Autographed trading card of Xenia Seeberg on Plaque with brass name plate

    Lexx Trading Card Binder with set of 72 starter cards in plastic sleeves

    Autographed picture on plaque of Xenia


    Can you beat this! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Signed picture (which has different note on it than on shown) says “Oooops! Sorry, I can’t help myself” and then shows a small drawn cloud of flatulance.

    ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

    All those classy Lexx autographs and one of them like that! How super, super funny! ๐Ÿ˜†

    (I won’t tell which one it is…. you guys will have to find it like I did!)



    Cool beans Frey!

    As for Pets comment: I’d wager heavily that a certain lil robot head could be attributed to that comment ๐Ÿ˜† Just a guess based on his track record ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Just one question:
    Why do you insist on calling them “Dark Forces” when the company’s name is “Dynamic Forces”?


    Old age? Brain Farts? Sworrrrrrry! ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ™‚


    iStan is the top supporter so far of Raffle # 2, I also send a special thanks to our repeat supporters – Jhevz and H Muller, and of course all the other Lexxians S Bamber, M Wills, I Shewmake, SayTheyDo, and J Rowe.

    Plenty of tickets left…. but you may want to get yours now, Once they go to DragonCon there is no guarentee there will be any left.


    Cool, Thanks Frey,
    It sounds like others are pitching in; wow, now I know I can’t wait till next week. You’ve got some really cool stuff you’re raffling off.
    I’ll see you next week. 8) ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Many thanks to Raven495 for donating for 20 tickets!


    Well Congradulations, Raven495,
    20 Tickets, that’s great; good luck on the raffle. I usually put my 2 cents in when I can.
    See you all at Dragon*Con.

    Lexxian to Lexxian,
    Jhevz ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Well YakkieJackie has taken over the top spot as a convention supporter. Yeah YJ! And also big thanks to Renne S. who is now a repeat supporter.

    We may just get this thing done by Dc 2004 ๐Ÿ˜†

    Ah well, it was fun and worth it. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Let us hear a great big cheer for Luis C who just scored on 10 tickets. Thank you Luis!

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