Odyssey 5

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    so, who watched it on Sky One last night? what did you think? assuming you guys in the States are already well into the show, is it well worth getting into? has anyone any thoughts on the direction the show will take, the characters, etc?
    i think my lasting impression from the first show is seeing that wrecked car floating around in the debris. i know, considering the utter destruction wrought on an entire planet it would be impossible for something like that to remain as intact as it was. however what sent me cold was what it represented. a few bits of rock floating in space…fine. we have a Farscape scenario, and the shuttle has been shot through a wormhole. but no, the car really told us that the Earth was gone. no more. all human civilisation, history, gone. flora and fauna, gone. the beauty of some of the wildest places on Earth, gone. I think the car was the most chilling sci-fi image i have seen in a long time.



    Originally posted by snooklepie:
    so, who watched it on Sky One last night? what did you think? assuming you guys in the States are already well into the show, is it well worth getting into? has anyone any thoughts on the direction the show will take, the characters, etc?
    i think my lasting impression from the first show is seeing that wrecked car floating around in the debris. i know, considering the utter destruction wrought on an entire planet it would be impossible for something like that to remain as intact as it was. however what sent me cold was what it represented. a few bits of rock floating in space…fine. we have a Farscape scenario, and the shuttle has been shot through a wormhole. but no, the car really told us that the Earth was gone. no more. all human civilisation, history, gone. flora and fauna, gone. the beauty of some of the wildest places on Earth, gone. I think the car was the most chilling sci-fi image i have seen in a long time.

    Yeah, it was a scary vision, but I hoped that the story wouldn’t have gone the way it did, as it does seem all were in store for is another take on the X-Files idea, lot’s of conspiracy and black ops.
    Because of that I’m not finding the premise that exciting, to me it does also seem like an extended series based on the idea presented in The Terminator, i.e going back in time to change the future, that works for a few movies but a possible six season series will be tedious.
    But it’s only the first ep so I hope I’m gonna be proved wrong, coz god knows quality sci-fi shows have been drying up as of late!!!


    After watching the first what? 13 episodes, i find myself hooked on Odyssey5, some of the story lines for the episodes are a bit overdone, but i like the interaction between the characters i especially like Peter Weller, and the best part of the show is a 22 year old in a 17 year olds body

    its one of those if i would have known what i know now back then kinda things that i find interesting


    yes, some of the themes may be similar to shows we have already seen (like the X-files, First Wave, etc) but the thing that is different is that the world actually gets blown to bits-not the usual alien-race-wants-to-take-over-the-planet,-enslave-humanity-and-then-rob-the-planet-of-its-resources sort of show that we have got used to. i’m looking forward to the ‘why’. i only hope that the producers see fit to see the show through to the end. i’ve got into so many shows over the past few years, only to end up disappointed when they don’t see the story through


    The time travel idea was very quantum-leapesque

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