Screw you all!!!

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  • #37536

    I spit on Lexx! It seems to me that all of you freaks are very obsessed over a t.v. show that is about nothing that is relevant in today’s society! Get a life, all of you’s. Science fiction? Fantasy? Yeah, you’re all in a freakin’ **** of a fantasy alright!

    “I am very good with pain.”- Prince


    I’d bet this IP matches someone else on the board

    mandara k

    Dude, it makes no sense to be pointing fingers when you quote from the show yourself. So I would say you are right in the middle of the **** Dooh!


    Originally posted by :
    [QB]I spit on Lexx! It seems to me that all of you freaks are very obsessed over a t.v. show that is about nothing that is relevant in today’s society! Get a life, all of you’s. Science fiction? Fantasy? Yeah, you’re all in a freakin’ **** of a fantasy alright!

    And so…what’s your point?
    Freaks, Sadgeezers…what ever you say that’s why were here.
    Get a life…well you gotta be quite sad yourself to tell a bunch of us sadgeezers we need a life…read what the site actually is all about.
    Go ahead and spit on Lexx all you like…coz the fans here are about liking a show that doesn’t go as nuts as say Trekkers, we like a laugh and that’s what Lexx give us.
    So if you expect us to feel guilty because we are a bunch of sad people who like a madcap t.v show, you really are barking up the wrong tree mate…because we are sadgeezers and proud of it.



    I spit on Lexx!

    Sure ya do. We believe you. Not.
    Ya must be really bored that you didn’t get any Lexx last night.

    You are as the police chief in Casablanca:
    “I’m shocked, shocked, shocked to see that gambling is going on here.”

    Well, all I can say is watch the rereuns:
    “Your winnings sir.”



    Originally posted by :
    I spit on Lexx! It seems to me that all of you freaks are very obsessed over a t.v. show that is about nothing that is relevant in today’s society! Get a life, all of you’s. Science fiction? Fantasy? Yeah, you’re all in a freakin’ **** of a fantasy alright!

    “I am very good with pain.”- Prince

    Obviously you have no imagination whatsoever…
    It’s a pity. I would rather be dead then be without imagination, myself.
    And in many ways I would be dead.

    Would you rather have a series about global warming? or about raised taxes perhaps?
    That would be something, wouldn’t it?

    And BTW, why did you quote Prince?

    [ 05-05-2002: Message edited by: Theli ]


    Screw us all!!! WOW! That would take some Stamina!

    [ 05-05-2002: Message edited by: JumpingJedi ]


    Glad to be Sad man!!!!!!!

    Listen n Learn!


    THis is just BS………get away stay away and ……be away


    Hey Johnson, LTNS! How’ve you been doing? Nice to see such friendly people here.

    P.S. swearing has an ‘e’ in it.


    Yes, yes it does.

    “Thank you for your sweetly faked attention.”- Oscar Wilde


    Actually that was Kurt Vonnegut. Oscar Wilde said this: “I’m sorry I don’t recognize you. I’ve changed a lot.”

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