something rare happened today!

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    while it is still the 20 of february (20 more minutes for me), i have to tell you that we witnessed a palindrome today. a palindrome is a word, number or sentence that reads the same forward or backward. for instance, “able was i ere i saw Elba”.
    well at 8:02 pm this evening this occured. it was the 20 of february, the year 2002, and 8:02pm is written 20:02 in military time. so it was 2002 2002 2002. the news report i saw this on said that this was a rare occurence. can anybody help me figure out when this has happened before and when it will happen again. hubby and i tried for 10 minutes and gave up when the shooting pain in our brains was too much! LOL
    and please tell us any palindromes that you all may know. remember they can be words, numbers, verses, and sentences. i know there are some funny ones out there too!


    Given the definition of palidrone, and your format of day/month – military time – year (in CE)The next one will be Feb 1st 2010. The are a lot of times during the day that this can occur. for instance 01:10, 02:20 … 05:50, 10:01, 11:11 … 15:51, 20:02 … 23:32

    But if your reffering to yesterday’s occasion where all three sets are the same number and a palindrone, then this is the last time it wil ever happen. Unless we switch to a different clock or calender.

    The last tiem this happened given the orginal condtions (excluding yesterday’s assorted times)was Feb 10th last year, again with a whole assortment of times.

    But if your looking for the tripple set thingy again, then the last one was Jan 10th, 1001 at 10:01 am. Ironically most people back then didn’t even know what year it was! Nor did they have accurate time-keeping devices!

    Of course this thing can occur again should the day be represented the American way of Month/Day instead Day/Month. Or other calenders could be used, different time keeping systems etc.


    It’ll happen again for us in Oz.
    9:12 PM
    21st December

    21:12 21/12 2112


    I stand corrected


    A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.

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