Star Treked to death!

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    The new movie! It is supose to be the last with TNG crue!
    There is a chanse that PIcard will die there but they could alsowe save it for the next movie as they did for Generasions! (Personaly I dont think he will die! He WAS told that he would growe old and die of age, a couple of times in TNG episodes!)
    I think that it would be good to ceap him around so that he could be guest in new series (Not enterprise) and movies! Its fun with Star Trek celebtities as guest stars!

    But if he (Or/and outhers from his crue) would die, how would it happen? What doe you think would be a good way for serten main caracters in Star Trek to die?
    Not only TNG! VOY and DS9 to!n (And how TOS caracters might have died)

    You can post how manny caracters death as you want! The once Im most intested in is the most famus caracters!
    Just post hoe and how!

    (Just so that you know! Im no sicko hoe gets of on this things! Im just intrested since I like episodes where main caracters dies bekos its sad! Hmmm, that did sound strange, didnt it? Well, I think you understand what I mean! Its special whan a main caracter dies!)

    I am the crusader



    Originally posted by crusader:

    But if he (Or/and outhers from his crue) would die, how would it happen? What doe you think would be a good way for serten main caracters in Star Trek to die?
    Not only TNG! VOY and DS9 to!n (And how TOS caracters might have died)

    You can post how manny caracters death as you want! The once Im most intested in is the most famus caracters!
    Just post hoe and how!

    Here’s some silly ones,

    Captain Janeway: After finally making it to earth, decides to go to local supermarket, becomes hopelessly lost, dies of starvation.

    Spock: Attacked and killed by Kirk’s hair, a hitherto dormant and carnivorous alien life form that feeds off of arrogance and self-satisfaction and abhors sexual restraint.

    Data: Attempts dividing by zero and accessing null pointers in an infinite loop.

    Belanna Torres: Fed up with ‘character building episodes’, turns phaser on self.

    Worf: Confrontation with angry tribble.

    Odo: Due to a bad choice of hiding spots and confusion in the kitchen, ends up being served as a cucumber gespatcho.

    “In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


    [This message has been edited by bugblatterbeast (edited July 22, 2001).]


    thanx for supporting my quest to get rid of “character building episodes”

    I would post how harry kim dies but he would come back to life as usual anyway so that wouldnt work.

    Voyager is blown because they didnt quite get the ship repaired in time for the next episode and a borg phaser beam hit along a sensetive spot

    Picard dies when he gets hit on the head with a shakespear book

    “Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.
    “No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!”
    “Its heading for his testicles”
    “Take it, take the leg!!!”

    [email protected]

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