Mysterious scene in ST 4 movie

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    I hope someone will be able to help me here as this has been bugging me for years.
    In Star Trek 4, The Voyage Home, I have a memory of a scene between Kirk and Spock as they walk down a street in 20th Century San Fransisco. In it,they see a bill board declaring that aliens have landed. Spock then tells Kirk that this is unlikely as first contact with an alien species doesn’t occur in this century. I have this movie and have watched it several times, and this scene IS NOT IN IT.
    Where did I get this memory from??
    Was it from an original version of the film which was later cut and this scene deleted, or has this memory been inplanted by someone or something from elsewhere??
    Or am I just going mad.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    I´v sein that scen to!!! But I neder can recal where it´s from!!! It should have bein ST 4 but it could have bein in TOS since the whent back in time quite ofen!!!

    I am the crusader


    ummm… could be a dream maybe? im a huge source of knowledge on star trek and ive ne… wait i remember something i used to watch TOS when i was a kid and cant remeber much but that sence does ring a bell or two. ill check my fact files see if its in there



    Thanks!!! Its not a dream!!! It cant be if we both remember it!!!

    But could it be a case of wrong identety!!!
    I mean it could we a sean with Picard and Data in TNG!!! Maybe we remember the scen but not the carekters!!!
    I now that that scen exist but not shure if its Kirk and Spock or Picard and Data!

    I am the crusader


    I have a vague recollection of TOS where Kirk and Spok werewalking down a San Fransisco street dressed in thirties gangster gear. I think that was the episode where the enemy were nazi’s. It was possibly in thi sepisode that the billboard was seen…

    Mind you. I[‘vce just read back that last paragraph to myself and even I don’t believe it! And it’s only the second beer!



    Uh…you just described two different episodes, and neither of them took place on Earth. [img][/img]

    There were a few shows where the [i]Enterprise[/i] visited planets that’s inhabitants patterned their culture after Earth. That way the special effects people didn’t have to make it look like a alien planet. [img][/img]

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    I’m sorry but I am 99 % sure that this scene was from ST-4. When I think of it, I remember a real street and sunshine, not wooden sets and studio lighting. I know some TOS eps were shot outdoors but I also recall Spock and Kirk looking older.
    The only other suggestion I have is that all Sadgeezers who remember this scene have been inplanted with false memories by the aliens that have arrived and are now trying to cover up their existence. You never know!!


    ummm whats their motive for implanting this information – just to anoyouy us and laugh at us as we try and find where it came from?




    Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:
    [b]ummm whats their motive for implanting this information – just to anoyouy us and laugh at us as we try and find where it came from?[/b]

    But i´m more sure this is a plan of Brain for help him and Pinky to take over the world!

    Time travel is easy…
    You just need a TimeMachine…


    Pinky and the Brain??? Come on. What i’m talking about could happen. But you cannot have a talking mouse with the IQ of Einstein. It is just not feasable!!!!

    Friends help you move, real friends help you move bodies.



    Originally posted by dodgydaz:
    [b]Pinky and the Brain??? Come on. What i’m talking about could happen. But you cannot have a talking mouse with the IQ of Einstein. It is just not feasable!!!! [/b]

    Well there are persons whit the IQ of a mouse so there must be a mirror reflection of this somewhere in the universe or in other dimensions…

    Time travel is easy…
    You just need a TimeMachine…

    [This message has been edited by DarkClaw (edited April 17, 2001).]


    You’ve got a point there DarkClaw!!

    Friends help you move, real friends help you move bodies.


    dimensional… mice yeah they are true you need to have a lot at the hitch hikers guidue to the galaxy under mouse you should fine – hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional being

    they’re iq is just slightly lower than mine [img][/img]


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