Why do people hate Wesly Crusher?

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    Years ago, after watching a few episodes of SeaQuest and that snotty assed punk in that show, i wondered.

    Why the hell do people hate Wesley Crusher?

    The kid was respectful, he wasnt a brat or anything. When picard said Jump, he said how high, when Wolf growled, he crapped his pants. When Riker told him how much of a romantic chump he was, he listened and when he left the federation, he stayed away!

    Is it the do-goody atittude that ****ed people off? I didnt exactly love the guy, but i didnt hate him as much as half the people on this planet do.


    Oh, GOD, where do I begin! I’ll let others post the obvious reasons.

    Is is some kind of law where kids on sci-fi shows are automatically boy-geniuses?

    If you stop and think about it, you don’t find anyone like that on [i]Babylon 5[/i]. In fact, JMS mandated the absence of child prodigies and robots in [i]B5[/i]. (That one kid with telekinetic powers was killed for his cuteness! HA!)

    Even though I’m not a big fan of [i]Deep Space 9[/i] (because it was a lame copy of [i]B5[/i]), I liked Jake Sisko. He was a writer, not some kind of typical sci-fi boy-genius.

    Also the actor, Wil Wheaton, is f***ing pr|ck! I was close to respecting him and his Wesley character when I saw him make that dumb-ass pass at Roxanne Dawson ([i]Voyager[/i]’s Torres) on that special episode of [i]The Weakest Link[/i]. Now I really hate ’em!


    “Is is some kind of law where kids on sci-fi shows are automatically boy-geniuses?”

    What other sci-fi shows have child prodigys as main characters?



    What other sci-fi shows have child prodigys as main characters?

    Plenty. Besides Wesley Crusher was partially responsible for the Kolwood starburst incident. So there!


    earth2, battlestar galactia, voyager had those borg kids for a season … im sure their is a hell of a lot more.


    I for one don’t see the logic in all this Wesley-bashing. But it is true that a lot of fans don’t like Wesley Crusher-style characters (look at all the Adric-bashers!). I think he was a good character, and I’m glad they’re finally working him into one of the movies.

    Wesley’s part in the Kolwood starburst incident in [i]The First Duty[/i] was written in to sort of balance out his character, so he didn’t appear to be just a goody-two-shoes boy genius. It made the character seem more human by showing that he too was reckless.



    Originally posted by :
    earth2, battlestar galactia, voyager had those borg kids for a season … im sure their is a hell of a lot more.

    Will Robinson from [i]Lost In Space[/i] is another.


    quote[quote] earth2, battlestar galactia, voyager had those borg kids for a season … im sure their is a hell of a lot more. [/quote]

    The borg kids was reasonable, hell they were borg! Theyre supposed to be smart. Didnt watch Earth2. I dont remember the child prodigy in Battlestar Galactica.


    The main problems I hear are:

    a) He cant act

    b) Hes annoying

    c) He’s a dork

    d) He cant act

    I never really minded his character personally but I cant disagree with the above.

    Anyone see that PoS movie he did with Rutger Hauer? Only thing I’ve seen em in since ST:TNG


    quote[quote] Plenty. Besides Wesley Crusher was partially responsible for the Kolwood starburst incident. So there! [/quote]

    Name four then. Maybe is the pot resin in my brain, but i dont remember many (good) sci-fi shows that had child prodigys in the staring role.


    I think your overreacting!
    It always gets like this! Someone says that he dont like someone and the rest fallow and soone everybody hates them! Dont forget, hes just a character!

    The same thing happened with Britney Spears!
    Somepeople didnt like her songs (Mostly guys), when others heard it they also started to say it even if they liked her or not and soon people hate her guts and say stuff like “I hope she dies” or “Hope she get really sick, like cancer or something” or “Why cant she just die a long and painful death, right now”!
    This is not overexagerating! I have seen it!


    why don’t i like wesley crusher? that is such an easy question to answer. he’s just a goodie-goodie, a little git with more
    w(h)ine than a cross-channel warehouse…



    why don’t i like wesley crusher? that is such an easy question to answer. he’s just a goodie-goodie, a little git with more
    w(h)ine than a cross-channel warehouse…

    More w(h)ine than the entire of France. Wesley was so ANNOYING. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but, as stated by snooklepie, he’s a goody-goody and a little git.
    My translation, though, would be, that
    1. He whines too much
    2. He seems to want to do EVERYTHING by a rule book
    3. He’s just WAY out of place and that really irritates me.
    On the other hand, he DOES try hard. BUT, it looks as if he was sucking up.
    I alternately hate/don’t mind Wesley.

    quote[quote] earth2, battlestar galactia, voyager had those borg kids for a season … im sure their is a hell of a lot more. [/quote]
    Deep Space 9 had Jake Sisko and Nog.

    [ 13-03-2002: Message edited by: Smartass 2002 ]


    A better question is, why doesn’t scifi ever depict any *girl* geniuses?



    Originally posted by D’gre’Queen:
    A better question is, why doesn’t scifi ever depict any *girl* geniuses?

    What about Nyssa? Doesn’t she count? [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:

    What about Nyssa? Doesn’t she count? [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]

    Who is that?


    It just feels right. Thats all



    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    Who is that?

    D’gre’Queen said there were no girl geniuses in science fiction, and I pointed out that she had overlooked Nyssa, the lovely and scientifically adept young Traken on [i]Doctor Who[/i].


    [ 14-03-2002: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    Good point! I liked Nyssa. She was a good charactor. And what about Susan?



    Originally posted by Smartass 2002:
    Good point! I liked Nyssa. She was a good charactor. And what about Susan?

    Nyssa’s one of my favorites, too.

    Susan, right. That’s especially true in [i]Doctor Who and the Daleks[/i] (the A.A.R.U. movie remake of the episode [i]The Daleks[/i]) where she is only 8 but a genius.


    quote[quote] That’s especially true in Doctor Who and the Daleks (the A.A.R.U. movie remake of the episode The Daleks) where she is only 8 but a genius. [/quote]
    Haven’t seen either of those two eps yet. But I’ll see them!
    Another one for the boy geniuses; Adric. He was the maths whiz.

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