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  • #35957

    Did anyone like this show (not the little burgers)? I thought it was mildly entertaining at the time, from what I can recall. Caught the tail end of an ep the other day and enjoyed it as well.

    Was this originally on UPN? Wouldn’t it be nice if UPN picked up the slack from Sci-Fi. And I don’t mean John Edward.

    [ 14-10-2002: Message edited by: marty ]


    it seened ok at first….then it got a little daft, when it started looking like Quinn and/or the other members of the team were someone special, or held some kind of power, in every universe they dropped into. i would have thought the likelyhood of that, even with multiple universes, would be very slim!!!


    I liked the show untill they lost the Big guy and the REAL Quinn and his brother took over (i think thats how it went)

    I liked the Cromag story line

    and dont get me started on John Edwards. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    I watched it for a while, got bored with the same stuff happening over and over so stopped watching for a while. Next time I saw it they suddenly had a new timer, Cromags, no Wade etc and I never really got the hang of it. Didn’t really have a problem with Quinn’s brother (and the actors real brother) coming in, but they lost nearly all of the original cast last I saw it, including that whole wierd other Quinn thing.


    I liked the show, up until they lost Prof. Arturo and Wade (arturo because he’s bloody English [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] and Wade cos she’s cute [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] ). And to rub salt into the wound, they turned the show in2 Kromagg Crusaders [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] !
    But all in all, I rather liked it, and I’d recommend it, at least the first three seasons, then you do what I did and go watch all five seasons of Babylon 5 again…and again…and again…and again…

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