Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx GREAT FREE LEXX STUFF!!! ( NO JOKE THIS TIME !!)

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  • #36224
    Christine Carroll

    Hey everyone !!! I just found some great stuff in the FREE STUFF section of SAD!!!! Go to Lexx Stuff…. They have a GREAT DESKTOP THEME and WALLPAPER!!! The wallpaper is a great picture of Xev!! ( Kai evne says ” The dead do not poo.) whe you empty the recyle bin !!!!! Anyway I thought this was just a great Free thing !!!!! Oh and the background color is cool as well.

    P.S. instead of the recycle bin being a bin its a pic of kai and Zex KISSING !!!!

    “to air is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”

    “Look for me by the moonlight-
    Watch for me by moonlight-
    I’ll come to thee by the moonlight,
    though Hell should bar the way” – The Highwayman
    Excerpt from “Exquisite Corpse” by Poppy Brite
    “Late in the year,New Orleans still has its hot days. In the slave quaters, Jay and Tran blossomed like the giant stinking carrion-flowers that grow in humid jungles. Their ravaged abdomens swelled and burst like red-petals, a jubliee of rot. Their putrescent fluids pooled on the concrete floor and in the hollows of their disintegrating bodies. …Their faces, c**** and B**** grew into shapeless masses of blackened flesh. Swollen tongues like ball gags forced their jaws wide. Organs tumbled out of their bodies like distended winebags. From their decomposition rose wisps of steam and soft wet sounds of gaseous intimacy….tran fell out of his binding straps and melted slowly into Jay’s ribcage. A large, faintly iridescent stain ate up the concrete floor around them. Their eyes were black caverns.They gave birth to worms, generation after generation, until their bodies were covered as if in a living blanket. Soon they were picked clean, their bones an ivory sculpture-puzzle shining in the dark, waiting to tell their mute love story.


    Thanks Christine

    Unfortunately some of the pics don’t link. Particularly the Zev background. [img][/img]


    Thanks Christine

    Unfortunately some of the pics don’t link. Particularly the Zev background. [img][/img]

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