Needed Good Screen Captures of Lexx

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Needed Good Screen Captures of Lexx

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    I was just surfing looking for a new lexx pic to use as a desktop wallpaper image and was amazed at the number of sites that didn’t have anything decent to grab. Some sites had great pics but they were all really little and looked like crap when you stretched them or there were sites that had good sized pics that were of poor quality.

    Therefore, I’m asking for help from the best resource out on the web — you! Do you know of a site that has good quality screen captures of Lexx images? Do you have the ability to capture a good screen image off of one of the DVD’s? (I don’t unfortunately) If so speak up before I got upset enough to go buy a new computer (something I need to do anyway) with a DVD drive.

    Hmmmmmm! Maybe I’ll just ask one of the people here at work who has a DVD drive in their computer if I can “borrow” it for an hour or so. Who knows, maybe I’ll start to emulate Kai and all of a sudden feel an “Unusual Motivation” and create a site that has good screen captures for use as wallpaper. I see a need in the Lexx community. Maybe I can fill it. Anyone have suggestions for screen captures from Seasons 1 & 2 DVD’s? I have no idea how to capture an image off a VCR tape? Any helpful wag out there know how to do that?


    Hey, DarkWillow, I think I can help in some way.
    I’ve got a Hollywood plus Mpeg DVD decoder, it has a capture facility that I think is the best I’ve seen.
    Couple that with a bare bones DVD Drive and presto, you have photographic large quality caps.
    In the UK the card is about £40, so that will probably be about $28 over there, and a bare bones DVD around $40-$70.
    To get caps from VCR, you need a T.V card, like a WinTV card from Hauppage or someone who makes them in the US. However you won’t get very good caps from it, unless you keep them small, you tend to pick up the interference lines, because T.V sends a poor signal compared to the DVD’s res…stick with the DVD idea mate, may cost a little more but it’s worth it.
    The T.V card would cost you anything between $40 (cheapest) to $200 (which gives extra goodies like Dolby surround and remote).
    I’d do some caps for you but I don’t have Lexx on DVD.
    Hope this helps.


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