Originally posted by X:
I’ll have to get back to you after I’ve watched all 4 episodes back to back. The menu is the sweetest, you can even forward through the animation to jump straight to it.
Yeah, the opening animations go a bit long again this time, but I thought that the moths were too darn cute to cut. The FF works nicely here. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
Krush Groove?.. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] did you make up those trivia questions yourself, Aleck?
“Time’s gonna tell on that one”
Of course I did. I make up all of the trivia questions. I mean, who else is gonna refer to Stan as “The Big Daddy of Funk?” Or say that 790’s head contains “rich, creamy nougat?”
I wasn’t thinking about Loki at the time, but that *is* one sweet connection there. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]