The First Episode, First Scene

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx The First Episode, First Scene

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  • #36909

    Someone remind me what His Divine Shadow found in the rubble of Kais Insect attack craft? Just after he’s killed Kai with the dagger he finds something. What was it again? Could this item be tied into the final moments of Lexx Season 4?

    Could this be Lexx’s baby as concieved in the recent events in Season 4? Remember Time is Loop….


    He just picks up a chunk of Kai’s crashed insect craft, and says, “An insect… curious.”


    It’s a panel of somethingish whatzit that looks like it has suction cups on it, but that is impossible since insects do not have suction cups.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    It’s a panel of somethingish whatzit that looks like it has suction cups on it, but that is impossible since insects do not have suction cups.

    Also, insects do not have g-seats, joysticks, clear canopies, or rocket thrusters.

    Yes, insects from planet Earth do not have suction cups. But these are bio-engineered alien insects from another dimension!

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