
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Limmirexx

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  • #37129

    Here’s a couple of Lexx Limmericks for a laugh:
    There once was a ship called the Lexx,
    Whose crew were in much need of sex,
    But with Kai totally dead,
    And stan useless in Bed,
    This left Xev feeling totally vexxed.

    There was a young lady named Bunny,
    Whose outlook on life was real sunny,
    But when Earth went Kaboom,
    Her heart filled with gloom,
    because that just wasn’t real funny.

    Any more from you guys?


    OMG!!! I can’t believe this thread! Yesterday(mon.) I get a call from my 9 year olds principal- because he had written an improper limmerick in English class “containing profanity and violent insinuations”…here’s what he wrote!

    There once was a Lexx in the sky
    It carried a Stan, Zev, and Kai,
    Kai was an assassin…
    A real cosmic badassin…
    Make him mad and your sure gonna die!

    I liked it.But it sure took alot of explaining. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    ROFL! Your child is a genius!

    I love yours too, Stu!


    The once was an assassin named Kai,
    His intense beauty made Zev want to cry,
    manly eyes, lips and chest,
    Zev’s heart leapt in her breast,
    But in her soft arms the dead one won’t lie.


    Trini_T! I love your son’s limerick! That’s hilarious! How did the principal react to your explanation? I would have loved to see the look on his or her face. “Badassin”? I like that kid. He’ll go far. If it’s any consolation, my parents pulled me out of one nursery school when my teacher told them I needed to be institutionalized as mentally disturbed. My “crime”? I wanted to play “Animals of the African Savannah” instead of “Domestic Enslavement” (ie., “House”). I went on to become a research biologist, and did spend time studying wildlife on the African plains.

    These limericks are fun. I suck at poetry, so I probably won’t have any to add, but I do enjoy them!


    790 felt angry and slighted
    for his love, it was never requited
    fair Xev would just tease him
    and Kai’d never please ‘im
    ’til he cracked and the Earth he ignited



    Xev was a beautiful babe,
    who was always in search of a mate
    Though she was sweet and plucky
    her men were unlucky,
    especially the one that she ate.

    Stan was a cowardly dude
    From danger he ran, it’s quite true
    But when Xev was in trouble
    he was there on the double
    perhaps hoping for a good screw

    The was an assassin named Kai
    who was quite an interesting guy
    Though he had silly hair
    and a glowering stare
    he still made the girls drool and sigh

    790 was petty and mean
    His brain was the size of a bean
    But he loved gorgeous Kai
    with the smoky green eyes
    and about him his thoughts were obscene


    Those are great!!! I wish my nine year old sister was that smart!! I think I wrote a few Lexx limericks once, but i forgot them… This reminds me of something my sister did say to me once, I know it’s not a limerick or anything, but i think it was funny…she was trying to catch a moth outside once, and i asked her why, so she said “because if i ever find a shrinking machine and put it on reverse, I can turn it into a moth like on Lexx and you can fly up to the Lexx and live happly ever after with Xev and Kai and Stan!” I think that is the sweetest thing she has ever said to me! Anyway, I really love all of these, they’re great!


    We once had a lot of limericks posted on the old Lexx Bored and Tazz collected them at her The Lexxian site. Most of the best ones which were written by Cykat were taken down when she left us however, and the site doesn’t seem to exist anymore, well.. the server it was on doesn’t seem to exist anyway.

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