Still Not Over that Kai guy

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Still Not Over that Kai guy

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    Well, I know it’s no use beating a dead horse, but I still can’t get over the fact that Kai never really loved Xev….I guess when he was alive, he probably didn’t go for the overtly sexy-type women. I bet he would go for the intelligent, be-speckled Tina-type. I really thought he showed more response to Tina then any other woman he had met up with…he would probably be the kind that would like an evening of mind-blending conversation than raw, lust-filled sex..
    What do you guys think? Remember when Tina died and Kai said HE would get Longbore, as if he took it personal??? Who would live Kai have chosen as his mate, Xev or Tina???


    okay this is a tough one but here’s my opinion =0

    Kai was a chemical machine. Just as Prince described him in series 3. However upon regaining his ‘memories’ he now had a moral basis.

    The first people he meets upon regaining his memories are 2 misfits and lost souls that risked their own lives to save his existance. Now as a moral machine Kai had 2 options:

    Accompany Stan and Zev

    Or fly off into a black hole

    Kai from viewing his old memories knew he would like to return the favor. But at this point in the movies Kai says again and again he has no future and is simply around to find THEM a home. Sorta a last redemption.

    However, at the end of Gigashadow Kai now has a new supply of protoblood, and both Kai and Zev have proven themselves to be heroes and helped Kai destroy the divine order. So Kai ends this by saying lets find US a home. It was at this point Kai realized the remainder of his existance would be spent with these 2. And that decision once made would be near impossible for a machine to renege on.

    Kai however over the course of time began to empathize with BOTH Stan and Kai. This begins in “Stans Trial” Stanley goes on trial for crimes he really wasent responsible for by a people so lost they simply want more death on top of the ones they’ve already suffered. I immediatly noticed in this episode (Before seeing Brigadoom) that Kai had without a doubt been tried for a crime before himself.

    When he describes Stanley as a “Tainted Hero”, he is clearly speaking from experience.

    This episode began the long process for Kai of empathizing with the crew. This culminated in the fight against Mantrid where Kai with some struggle refers to Stan and Xev as “My friends”. From this moment on Kai continues to refer to them as his friends through series 3 and 4. Before that Kai never does.

    Xev/Zevs relationship with Kai are two different things.

    Kai truly cared about Zev, much more than Xev. Zev was much more dependant on him. He saw her as something to be pitied. A suicidal girl that had been imprisoned and deprived her entire life of life itself. Kai could relate to that. Kai was now what Zev had been her whole life. And then that life was cut short in Terminal, where Kai’s voice actually breaks upon saying “I am taking Zev home”.

    When Xev was born Kai claims that its good or nice to see her again. This coupled with his clear emotions on her death show that he’s not entirely honest/knowledgable about his own situation in death. But not being able to ‘feel’ his life when he was alive yet still able to access all his memories make it impossible to have any basis to go on when experiencing these things.

    As the series went on with Xev, Kai grew more distant from her and more confindent in her ability to handle herself. This culminates in the Vlad arc when Kai explains that Xev is powerful in many ways. At the end of the arc, Kai sacrifices himself to save Stanley in which Vlad questions Kai on why he cares about Stan. Kai immediatly claims he does not care and changes the subject showing a lack of comfort on the topic.

    I think what Kai meant at the end of the series is exactly in his words:

    Im sorry I could not love you in the way you wished.

    This could mean physical love.

    It could also mean reborn Kai still loves the gal from Brigadoom.

    But I think Kai ran out of time. He did not have the time to work out who he loved and who he didnt. Put yourself in his shoes. You’ve just regained all your emotions from over 6000 years ago and you still got a world to save and a dead girlfriend you’ve never mourned. Makes the statement make a lot more sense imo.

    As for Tina, its the same emotions he felt for Zev and Stan back in the beginning, its about doing whats morally right. And at that point Kai had already regained some of his soul and could truly ‘feel’ for their situation. As a partially living Kai Im sure he felt some guilt over this poor girl that he didnt know how to react to just weeks earlier and now she’s dead. Had he been alive then he would’ve seen through Longbores plot. As Kai says “The dead are easily fooled” =)

    Just my thoughts on the subject though Ive left about 300 pages out =) It is a whopper to think about.


    Ummm, But I *want* to see the other 300 pages!!! Come on, I can take it!

    Kai was reunited with and then lost his Brunnis-2 GF tragically during the doomed defense of his homeland. On the heels of that rekindled reunion and the emotion that goes with it, he also lost everyone else he ever cared about and indeed even the planet of his birth. Oh and he became dead and was violated as a person during the transformation from dead Brunnen-g to divine assassin.

    It is possible that he might…. Need a bit of time to work this all out and do the grief acceptance thing. None of which would be made any easier by his becoming a Brunnen-g Popsicle every time he turned around. After all time stops for you when you are flash frozen But then just when he is starting to warm up to Xev…. She dies tragically, saving him. Sorrow and regret, two mental scars for the price of one. You must admit that in Kai’s experience, emotional closeness has not been rewarded in a very, very long time…

    On the other hand Zev and Xev were not exactly Rocket Surgeons. After all Tina did talk a good game, and I imagine that a society of immortal beings put a high value on intelligence… Since you would not want to spend eternity partnered with someone who’s idea of literature was ‘People Magazine’.



    Originally posted by thefrey:

    On the other hand Zev and Xev were not exactly Rocket Surgeons. After all Tina did talk a good game, and I imagine that a society of immortal beings put a high value on intelligence… Since you would not want to spend eternity partnered with someone who’s idea of literature was ‘People Magazine’.

    okay, i’ll bite, what’s a rocket surgeon? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    little minirant here; just because tina is a bright little geek does not mean she is not sexual or sexy…she obviously had quite the attraction to kai, and she was doing everything she could to make that interest clear…and since when does intelligence mean lack of sexuality? i personally always liked the zev vs xev character better but then i don’t have the right hormones to say which is sexier…it’s just that xev seemed more of the sci fi cartoon rather than a real person…which was the beans’ intent… zev i thought was prettier and just as
    ‘built’ without being quite the overstatement that xev was…and yeah, who does want to spend eternity with someone who only has one topic of conversation? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Fx, I did not say Tina was not sexy. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] But Kai could have been attacted to her on several levels, not necessarily the physical one. Or rather as attracted to her as he is to anyone who has been helpful to him.


    This is really interesting….I thought Tina would actually be a good match for Kai as well, basically because he would eventually be more responsive to someone who engages his intellect. He always seemed “livelier” in those situations, with Jihana, or the Dark Lady, or the “games” with Mantrid and Prince. And of course once Tina takes her glasses off…. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    I thought the relationship to Zev was interesting too. To me she was kind of the driving force of Series 1. Very young and very inexperienced, but she took charge of Stanley and 790, told them what to do, and then pushed Kai into fulfilling the prophecy. He seemed to respond to her intensity and you could imagine him going farther down that road as well.

    I know they changed Xev’s character on purpose and I can understand why etc. but after that change Kai and Stanley end up being more interesting together than Kai and Xev…. [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]




    Originally posted by elmey:
    I thought Tina would actually be a good match for Kai …. And of course once Tina takes her glasses off…. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] elmey

    And thins her brows



    Originally posted by thefrey:

    And thins her brows

    Oh, loved those eyebrows!


    Kevin Aucoin refers that eyebrow style as the “Audrey” or “Gamine” brow, a look youthful and tomboyish that can only effectively be pulled off by a woman with an innocent, childlike face and a specific bone structure. One who looks as if she’d feel right at home in her boyfriend’s boxers (Or something to that effect….)

    Anyhoo, do not let me distract anyone from the rest of this fascinating discussion! (I am not being sarcastic. Mandatory overtime with my robots is starving my cerebrum, as you may have gathered by my sudden input about eyebrows, of all things [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] LOL.

    Please continue! [i]Please![/i] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img])



    Sometimes i think that loving Kai is like loving a cat (a really expensive pure bred kind of cat)— Xev shouldn’t necessarily expect any affection back and at least she doesn’t get clawed with that wrist thingy.

    In one’s house, Kai would be there just to lounge around looking beautiful and killing inconvenient critters. Stanley on the other hand is a dog.


    I really like that – comparing Kai to a cat….he is much like a cat- cool, aloof, you never know what he is thinking, and showing his claws (brace) from time to time… And like a cat you can never really “own” him, he can take or leave you and usually defeats his prey….yes, I like that very much…..Two cats own me so I know first-hand how they are….Fortunately he is not completely like a cat or he would like his belly scratched, cough up a hair-ball from time to time and crap in a sandbox. There is one other similarity though, both Kai and cats are self-cleaning… What animal do you think Xev is like?

    [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    A lizard of course! One of those showy ones with the bejeweled ruffs.


    Frey, I’m getting old and the memorys going – I can’t remember, did Xev morph into the Cluster Lizard at will or could she do it only at times when she was angry or upset…..???Next week , I must start watching Lexx over again from the beginning….. 😀


    [quote=”lizard”]Sometimes i think that loving Kai is like loving a cat (a really expensive pure bred kind of cat)— Xev shouldn’t necessarily expect any affection back and at least she doesn’t get clawed with that wrist thingy.

    In one’s house, Kai would be there just to lounge around looking beautiful and killing inconvenient critters. Stanley on the other hand is a dog.[/quote]

    I’m a cat lover, especially the purebred Siamese kind of cat. Just ask my red lynx-point Siamese, Phantom.

    If I ever get another male ebony Oriental Shorthair, I’m naming him


    [quote=”NB1″]Frey, I’m getting old and the memorys going – I can’t remember, did Xev morph into the Cluster Lizard at will or could she do it only at times when she was angry or upset…..???Next week , I must start watching Lexx over again from the beginning….. :D[/quote]

    Well I don’t recall her ever doing it just because. She always seemed angry or threatened when she did it. Also not once did we see her rolling merrily onto the bridge, just because she felt like a nice roll instead of a stroll.


    😀 I have always felt that Zev was viewed by Kai as more of a mother image. When she pushed him into kissing her at the end of the fouth movie,…it was almost done as if he was busy trying to please her in the way that a small boy would try to please a parent. You can see him look questiongly at her face after he corrects his statement of Zev and Stan finding themselves a home to, “We shall find ourselves a home!”
    When he sees that he has said the right thing,..then he visibly relaxes. When she pushes him into kissing her,..he does so with a bit of enjoyment and then, a small weqry child, who has finally found someone that he can feel secure with,..he lays his head on her shoulder and scrunches up his eyes as if to say, “SAFE,..AT LAST!”
    Then, one sees the bewilderment on his face as his eyes cloud over.
    Kai is free of the Dark Essence when Zev dies trying to save him. someone he has started to love and trust again..has died for him,..who is ALREADY dead!!
    I always felt that he would not let himself become emotionally involved with Xev all that much because he never really got over Zev’s death!!
    Tini’s death and his reaction to it shows that he “felt” something for her and in Lexx Vegas,..Stan finally has to push him out of the room to get him away so that Stan could try and enjoy the protitutes!! How much did the “chemical machine kai” remeber about the mechanics of sex..anyway?
    In THE KEY, Kai closely questions Stan as to what he did with Xev/Prince. it is almost as if he is asking instructions on how he was going to have to bring Xev to estacy if she turned out to be the real Xev!!

    “Life is more than what you see,..but there is more to Kai..than meets the eye”


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