Videos of episodes

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Videos of episodes

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    How and where can I buy the first episodes of Lexx in the USA [img]/ubb/smile.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Zpdark:
    [b]How and where can I buy the first episodes of Lexx in the USA [img][/img][/b]

    Paramount has the rights to the 1st series in the US, and have them available at a discount price ($7.99, I think). I haven’t seen ’em at any retail stores (yet), but they are available through You can’t search for LEXX, though–check under the individual movie titles (I Worship His Shadow, Tales from a Parallel Universe, Eating Pattern and Giga Shadow). If you’re looking for DVD action, check out They’re only supposed to be available in Canada, but they do ship to the US.

    (Shameless plug–if you’re looking for the Season 2 vids, wait until late may, and they’ll be available from Acorn Media. Don’t believe the release date for them listed on videoflicks–it’s outdated.)



    You can also put in Michael McManus and find the listings and sites which sell the videos of the first four films.



    Originally posted by Aleck:
    [b] Paramount has the rights to the 1st series in the US, and have them available at a discount price ($7.99, I think). I haven’t seen ’em at any retail stores (yet), but they are available through You can’t search for LEXX, though–check under the individual movie titles (I Worship His Shadow, Tales from a Parallel Universe, Eating Pattern and Giga Shadow). If you’re looking for DVD action, check out They’re only supposed to be available in Canada, but they do ship to the US.

    (Shameless plug–if you’re looking for the Season 2 vids, wait until late may, and they’ll be available from Acorn Media. Don’t believe the release date for them listed on videoflicks–it’s outdated.)


    thanx aleck, i thought in the mists of my memory that i had read something to that effect from you but i couldn’t remember where…come here and plug and gossip anytime you like!


    I finaly saw 3.10 Battle!!!
    I must say that I liked that episode!
    Prince was more evil there and a evil badguy is what I´v missed in series 3 (Fifi was the closest to it, and I liked him) His Shadow and Mantrid was bether but Prince was bether than nothing! And the sad moment when Lyekka died and the battle was… hard to say but I think you understand what I mean!
    Anyway, I liked Battle so I change my Best to Battle!

    Best: 3.10 Battle

    Worst: 3.9 Garden

    I am the crusader



    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]I finaly saw 3.10 Battle!!!
    I must say that I liked that episode!

    Anyway, I liked Battle so I change my Best to Battle!

    Best: 3.10 Battle

    Worst: 3.9 Garden


    well, at least we agree on garden [img][/img] i must say you are a quixotic one crusader, i still like tunnels and ktown, and i also like the beach but i am going to have to sit and think about battle in the overall scheme of things…basically i guess i’m finding the last part of the season to be filler, but i reserve the right to change my mind when i am reviewing these eppy’s and going nuts this summer waiting for the new season…so are you coming to halifax?


    What the…?

    OK, what now! To topics bekoming one?
    Im getting so tierd of this!!!

    I am the crusader


    Hmmm, I tried to post on “Best and worst episode” topic but it got sended here to “Videos of episodes” istead!
    This is something fore the X-files!!!

    I am the crusader



    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]Hmmm, I tried to post on “Best and worst episode” topic but it got sended here to “Videos of episodes” istead!
    This is something fore the X-files!!!


    i agree but at least we got some fragments of our conversations back, and i do not know about you but this forum is starting to look a lot like my poor strained memory these days!!! [img][/img]

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