Worst Episode of Lexx

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Worst Episode of Lexx

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    What do you think has been the worst episode of Lexx. Generally its fantastic but there has been the odd glitch.

    Personally Im not a big fan of

    Lafftrak (good idea badly done).

    Tunnels (Dont know why but most of this episode bored me).

    Fluffdaddy (the most messy, badly put together, plot hole filled episode of Lexx ever).


    My least favorite episode is 2.8 [i]White Trash[/i]. It’s not a bad episode, actually. It’s just that it’s a depressing reminder of the dumb rednecks that live near me. The personality of Paw was right on target. There are way to many rednecks that are stupid, self-centered, and wife-beaters. The inbred part is not really true, but sexual assult upon their own children has been known to occur. One element that was left out of the portrait was religious fundamentalism, e.g. the southern baptists. Another element missing was the idiotic worship of football (american football, that is).

    BTW, Sad, I was looking at your episode review of [i]White Trash[/i]. I beleive the planet Vermil’s name is actually spelled Vrml. This is what I concluded when I first saw the episode on SciFi Channel several years ago.

    In the mid-’90s, there was a new form of webpage design called Virtual Reality Markup Language, or VRML for short. Everyone just called it “vermil” instead of pronouncing the letters V.R.M.L., like we usually do for HTML (Hyper-Text Mark-up Language, which is used for almost all webpages). Myself and a few others experimented with it at art school. The results were stupid and cumbersome. And I think the language died, as far as I know.

    In any case, the language did not catch on. And I have always suspected that the writers of [i]Lexx[/i] were poking fun at VRML because “vermil” sounds like something someone with Grizzled Old Prospector’s Syndrome would say (c.f. MST3K episode [i]The Final Sacrifice[/i]). Or maybe like Yosemite Sam saying to Bugs Bunny, “I’ll get you, you vermil!”


    1. The Beach
    2. Heaven and Hell
    3. Girltown
    4. Super Nova
    5. Stan Down
    6. Love Grows
    7. Lafftrak
    8. Tunnels
    9. The Rock
    10. Battle


    The following is IMHO, I don’t mean to offend anyone.

    I’d have to agree with you on Tunnels. With the exception of the few scenes of Kai with the Commision, it seemed like it was a bad extension of K Town.
    I thought than Stan Down was just digusting horrible, it was long, boring and basically done in poor taste. The Rock also seemed like a waste of an episode for me.

    I haven’t seen Bad Carrot yet, but from what I’ve heard it’s full of scat humor. I hope Lexx doesn’t fall to the South Park level of potty-jokes.


    Didn’t like Woz very much…..The Beach was pretty boring……



    I hate this episode.


    Patches in the Sky and Woz.


    I’d have to say the worst eps were:
    Woz, truly disgusting scene with Xev’s liver being punctured.
    White Trash…could have been better..
    alot of S4 ( I actually loved Fluffdaddy, if for no other reason than to watch MM go stark raving nutso and spaz out with his Shakespeare and Faust interpretations, in 2 languages I might add)and Xev got to eat Kai, but not in a GOOD way…ahem..
    Patches in the sky…kind of boring…except for the return of Gigerotta
    Tunnels, the only redeeming part was Kai’s classic “Assassin” line with the added punch.
    Battle, just missed somehow… [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    quote[quote]Woz, truly disgusting scene with Xev’s liver being punctured.[/quote]

    Don’t you mean 2.19 “Brizon”?


    Interesting to see people’s choices.

    My favorite one to hate is White Trash. Ignorant, inbred white southern trash has been done to the point of nausea.

    Didn’t much care for S3’s Garden either. Those gardeners and their floating flowers were creepy. And I never did figure out if Kai just decided to decompose on his own, or if he was under the influence of the gardeners, like Stan and Xev were.


    lafftrack, for the reasons given by jumping jedi,
    garden, cause it was boring
    magic baby, cause it was a let down


    Hmmm…..I’d have to say White Trash, for many of the reasons already given. Garden because it was just kinda boring, and what was with Kai just wanting to decompose? (The watering cans were kinda cool though!) [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] Patches in the Sky and Tunnels were both fairly low on action, although I did like Kai’s speech. Oh, and Brizon, though that was only the second episode I had ever seen of Lexx, and I haven’t seen it since. Maybe I’d like it better now…though the liver-puncturing was pretty gross.



    Originally posted by mayaxiong:
    I’d have to say the worst eps were:
    Woz, truly disgusting scene with Xev’s liver being punctured.
    White Trash…could have been better..
    alot of S4 ( I actually loved Fluffdaddy, if for no other reason than to watch MM go stark raving nutso and spaz out with his Shakespeare and Faust interpretations, in 2 languages I might add)and Xev got to eat Kai, but not in a GOOD way…ahem..
    Patches in the sky…kind of boring…except for the return of Gigerotta

    You must be easily disgusted. And I don’t believe the Wozard ever punctured anybody’s liver, that’s sort of a more Brizony thing. I love [i]Woz[/i], I think it’s one of the show’s best episodes.

    And [i]White Trash[/i]? How can so many people dislike an episode that’s so funny? There are other yokel-bashing episodes, but none as funny as that. Pa: “We’s Golleans is smart, see, so we excaped” “We’re out of the Cluster? Yee-haw!” (silly dance and music ensues) “The thing about the Gollean clan is that the brains ain’t evenly distributed. Y’understand?” Junior: “No.” That show kills me every time, it’s like watching a videotape of a Sherman family reunion. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    The only thing I didn’t like about [i]White Trash[/i] was the scene where Stan takes advantage of Sissy. I’m surprised Prince didn’t bring that up in [i]The Beach[/i], since it’s about the worst thing he’s done. But I suppose it was necessary to the plot so we could get to the lasergun wedding scene.

    I also liked [i]Patches in the Sky[/i], mainly because of Wayne “I don’t do that no more, Mr. Green” Robson. And the title is cool.

    I [b]hate[/b] [i]The Beach[/i] and [i]Heaven and Hell[/i], because they introduced metaphysical elements to [i]Lexx[/i], forever tainting the show as a whole. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] Plus [i]The Beach[/i] was a flashback episode. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    [i]Twilight[/i] would be on my blacklist if not for “The Wheel.” [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] That was what caused me to post on the SadBoard for the first time (I wanted the words).


    Hmmmm . . . let’s see. . .
    Luvliner- I found it pointless
    Fluffdaddy- It didn’t flow well at all
    and I was disappointed that some of the storylines didn’t carry over (Xev/Cluster Lizard mating, and living Kai just seemed thrown in there as did Lyekka)

    There are other eps. but not ones that warrent “Worst Episode”


    My bad, DT you’re absolutely right, I always get the titles fof Woz And Brizon interchanged for some reason. Actually Woz didn’t really blow my skirt up anyway..the Lustikon thing and the cartoon mating episode seemed a little weirder than ususal..( did I really just say that?)..
    [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img]


    Luvliner; though it was the first episode I saw, luckily I did keep watching.

    Garden; just seemed like filler. Stan was exceptionally irritating and Kai totally out of character for no good reason. Xev just wafted around and Lyekka was completely wasted. The parrot did a good job though!




    Originally posted by DalekTek790:

    The only thing I didn’t like about White Trash was the scene where Stan takes advantage of Sissy. I’m surprised Prince didn’t bring that up in The Beach, since it’s about the worst thing he’s done. But I suppose it was necessary to the plot so we could get to the lasergun wedding scene.

    You think that’s worse than destroying the city of Orlando or ordering the Lexx to eat Holland? Or, if we only consider his actions prior to “The Beach”, how about trying to blow up the fully inhabited planet of Water that, as far as he knew at the time, was an ordinary planet full of living people just so he could bring May back to life? In White Trash, he simply had sex with a woman who initiated the action. She seemed old enough to me to make her own choices about sex, and from her perspective, Stan was a lot better choice than Pa. As for Stan, he hadn’t exactly been getting any up to that point in S2 so I sure wouldn’t blame him (although I might question the wisdom of it with Pa around).


    Luvliner I hated. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    The only thing I didn’t like about [i]White Trash[/i] was the scene where Stan takes advantage of Sissy. I’m surprised Prince didn’t bring that up in [i]The Beach[/i], since it’s about the worst thing he’s done.

    Oh, I think I’ve just learned *way* too much about your value system, and it’s a frightening thing to behold.




    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    The only thing I didn’t like about [i]White Trash[/i] was the scene where Stan takes advantage of Sissy. I’m surprised Prince didn’t bring that up in [i]The Beach[/i], since it’s about the worst thing he’s done. But I suppose it was necessary to the plot so we could get to the lasergun wedding scene.

    Actually, this kind of thing is all too common with redneck families. The incest part is, in fact, quite rare (just as rare as any other part of the world). But fathers are protective of their daughters to an extreme degree with dumb hillbillies (or any other group of uneducated lower-class). This is sometime the cause of a major motivation on the part of the daughter to [i]get the hell out of the house and away from dad.[/i] Redneck women are always on the lookout for men who can get them out of whatever horrible situation they are in (physical or sexual abuse, alcoholism-drenched poverty, whatever). Why don’t they just take charge and strike out on their own? Well, there’s this problem with abuse towards women which is very common with rednecks. A cycle of fear that I try to break whenever I witness it. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    To get back to what Stan did with Sissy Gollean, I don’t think Stan did anything wrong. For her, anything is better than life with the Gollean clan. It was the other way around, DT790. Sissy took advantage of Stan.

    What Sissy really should have done is moved to Atlanta, go to business school, and marry a performance artist from Canada.

    This episode was yet another grim insight of the mentality of the post-Reconstruction Era southern United States. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]


    Supernova – Hated Tim Curry

    Love Grows – A bit too dirty and pointless

    White Trash – The WORST episode of the series.

    Woz – Didn’t like the scenes shown to Fat Zev – quite disturbing.

    Garden – A bit sappy

    The Beach – Boring. Too many flashbacks.

    I have only seen up to 4.8 of the new season, but can’t see any bad ones as yet from the fourth season. All the episodes not mentioned were cracking imo.



    quote[quote]The only thing I didn’t like about White Trash was the scene where Stan takes advantage of Sissy. I’m surprised Prince didn’t bring that up in The Beach, since it’s about the worst thing he’s done.[/quote]

    Prince didn’t bring it up because it wasn’t a *bad* thing. He had sex with a woman who seemed perfectly in control and happy with the situation. I don’t remember Stan taking “advantage” of her…..


    1.White Trash(ugh dumb rednecks)
    2. Luvliner(I do not enjoy watching some man with rancid breath attempt to assault a woman)
    3.Nook(I don’t know how Xev gave those men Nookie,they look ugly as h*ll!)
    4.Brizon(the bio-vizier was ugly as h*ll)

    Can’t we have dead sexy men on Lexx (besides Kai).Like,can we have Antonio Sabato Jr or Jensen Ackles on the friggin show!!?Excuse me,while I blow some steam. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    [ 18-10-2001: Message edited by: T3 ]



    Originally posted by T3:
    Can’t we have dead sexy men on Lexx (besides Kai).Like,can we have Antonio Sabato Jr or Jensen Ackles on the friggin show!!?Excuse me,while I blow some steam. [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    [ 18-10-2001: Message edited by: T3 ]



    I only saw Mantrid once but I thought it was gross and on the verge of -never mind-

    Magic Baby: I expected more.

    Loveliner: Xev was too helpless. She’s part cluster lizard, fer chrissakes!

    I loved Woz! That was just soo damn funny, it’s the only political satire episode they ever did!

    Xevivor- cause I felt Xev’s pain- poor girl just cannot get laid- Stan gets more than her!

    The gardeners annoyed me and Garden was pretty boring. But it was o.k.

    Alot of S3 felt like filler, Tunnels and Garden and Beach especially. Tunnels was saved by the poking fun at beaurocracy.


    Here are the episodes most hated by Lexxians on this board (with reasons and occasional commentary):

    1. White Trash-6 votes (4 for bad, 2 for worst) What in tarnation is wrong with you people?!? Too silly.
    2. Luvliner- 5 votes (3 for bad, 2 for worst) Ick.
    3. Tunnels-5 votes Filler.
    4. Garden-5 votes Good idea gone bad/filler.
    5. The Beach-4 votes (3 for bad, 1 for worst) Stupid premise/filler.
    6. Brizon-3 votes Ick.
    7. Lafftrak-3 votes Good idea gone bad/too silly.
    8. Battle-3 votes People just hate these fourth season episodes. Filler.
    9. Lexx 1.2: Super Nova-2 The only movie to be blacklisted. Ick.
    10. Stan Down-2 votes Filler.
    11. Love Grows-2 votes Ick.
    12. The Rock-2 votes Filler.
    13. Fluff Daddy-2 votes Ick.
    14. Magic Baby-2 votes Good idea gone bad.
    15. Patches in the Sky-2 votes Too silly.
    16. Woz-2 votes No appreciation for subtle satire, these people. Ick.
    17. Terminal-1 vote (1 for worst) Stupid premise.
    18. Heaven and Hell-1 vote Stupid premise.
    19. Girltown-1 vote Stupid premise.
    20. Xevivor-1 vote Good idea gone bad.
    21. Nook-1 vote Ick.
    22. Mantrid-1 vote Ick.


    Add another one for “White Trash” I hated it

    Next on my list would be Woz.

    Most of the rest I can find *something* in them I liked, but not these two.


    White Trash made my skin crawl. Fire & Water was too slow.

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