"Yo Way Yo" Out with a Bang!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx "Yo Way Yo" Out with a Bang!

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    WOW! Its the end! So sad. Superb episode and superb ending to a truely unique sci-fi series.

    What a finale! Stunning! What can I say. Im lost for words and Ive got a lump in my throat.

    No more Lexx. I cant believe it!

    Kai well and truly dead. A baby Lexx. No more Earth. My only regret is that that B*****d 790 didnt get it in the end.

    10,000 Tears.



    What a brilliant/heartbreaking episode! I will miss Lexx terribly.


    A simply TREMENDOUS episode and a MAGNIFICENT way to end my favourite series.



    I’m having a debate about this on IRC right now … my theory is that if the new Lexx DID eat 790 then he’s done for, and if he’s merely picked up then Stan and Xev are going to kick him to pieces anyway since he was indirectly responsible for Kai’s demise. (The Lexx could have blown up the asteroid had 790 not made it ‘waste’ its last shot.)




    I’m not even sure I can come up with the words right now. I feel completely devastated just like Brian Downey promised we would.

    I cried hard when Kai died…then when Lexx died it was twice as bad.

    There wasn’t a single bad moment in the whole episode. It was perfect.

    I loved how the story ends but the characters will go on.

    Special Effects,awesome.
    Everythign else,awesome.

    I understand the feeling of wanting to watch it again from the beginning. It isn’t to see anything I didn’t see before but it’s just this feeling. Like I’ve just finished a good book and I need to read it again.

    If anyone was disappointed by this episode they must be insane. It was Lexx.



    Kai went out singing the Brunnen G war song. woO!
    Baby Lexx. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Sweet and cute.
    Earth destroyed, good riddance I say. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    Good send off.
    Thumbs up!


    I felt that it’s ending was in many ways like a real ending. Eventhough some things change, people die and people change, in other ways it continues like this story might continue.

    It seems to me when Kai laughed before he died, he saw the humor of how close it was to the way he smashed into the VorShadow in IWHS.


    Space Opera at its best! Worthy of the likes of Heinlein or Asimov or… This was as grande as the original series. Th Higgs got a good workout. All the actors, writers, everyone involved deserve a great big KUDOS! (applauding wildly) Of course, the lil blue planet was not our lil blue planet, just an errant world in a many worlds theory of physics, yes I consider the light and dark zones are only one possible pairing. The series ended on a great note. All series should be so good. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Gads, it just doesn’t seem possible the show is over and done. I very much enjoyed this final episode. I’m glad Kai was truly alive at the end. McManus was right tho’ in an old interview when he stated that to bring Kai back to life would be too typical How Lexxian to bring him back just to finally give him the death he had so long yearned after. Kai laughing out loud was perfect!Ah the irony.


    It was a great ep. And the conclusion of the series “Lexx”. As it turns out the Series Arc is literal. The story began with the first voyage of the Lexx and ends with his Death. Stan and Xev are still looking for a home albeit aboard a new ship.

    I shall call him Mini-Lexx. (Puts pinky in mouth.)

    Kai’s final words (in-person) to Xev and Stan were a little disapointing but not to be unexpected. Kai doesent love Xev, and he probably shouldent, after all he was deeply in love when he died.

    When Stan decided to turn around and help Kai(and he got there surprisingly fast through the Lyekka pods) I REALLY thought wow, they are all going to go off and die like the very beginning of IWHS. Instead Kai is the only one able to navigate the gas and commits suicide. Brian Downey gave his penultimate performance in this episdoe. Once again I find myself surprised how well this guy can act.

    Longbore went out a little disapointingly too but the statue of him on the Noah and the painting of him on the side of the rocket still has me laughing. They probably shouldent have killed off Tina either so she could’ve played the female geek lead this week.

    And there’s still questions. Is 790 really destroyed? Probably not, especially if there’s a spinoff. Why was Prince released when the Earth was destroyed? And why did he need Priest alive? The new Lexx is pure insect, was that what Lexx looked like before he was hybrid’ed? Notice the loose tail, makes me wonder if thats why all that constuction and binding was on the back of the Lexx tail.

    End result is we have our two living heroes still searching for a home. Prince, Bunny and Priest escape on the Noah probably to find a colony based off the two most evil humans in existence.

    Soooooo for those of you wondering about Cycles of Time how bout this?

    When Kai imploded the Lyekka ship it formed a fractal core causing the imploded matter to be pushed into the Singularity that was the Light Universe. This added matter created a Big Bang and the existance of the Light Universe.

    Prince and the Noah eventually travel into the Light Zone creating the basis for the human races of that Universe. Stan and Xev also eventually find it and create the basis for the Brunnin-G culture in honor of Kai.

    So there ya have it! [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    oooh one last thing, mebbe Dalek can jump in here to help. Why was the Key blue? His Divine Shadow’s Key was also blue, perhaps that’s the innate color? But then again I thought that the Key was something added by the Divine Order and Thodin explained they saved “Erico”(sp) for the bio-code specialists to replicate a Key.
    Either way it was a great way to end it with Stanley still the captain.


    Earth fall down go BOOM!
    What did I tell you? I knew Earth was doomed from the first episode of this season! ROFL!

    And the Higgs-Bosen weighs:
    (Was that the right number of 13’s?)

    So Lexx [i]did[/i] make a new, special friend in [i]Dutch Treat[/i]! [b]Li’l’ Lexx![/b] ROFL! Maybe Lexx’s baby will sprout wings! Did you notice the cute lantern thing that hangs over his head? I wonder how big it is? Maybe Li’l’ Lexx is… a [i]she?[/i]

    That was a great way for Kai to go! “He done blowed hisself up!” Bravo.

    The fate of the human race is in the hands of Stan & Xev! Heeheeheeheehee! It was left wide open for another season. Prince would make a wonderful “replacement” for Kai. 790 would still be around, I don’t think that Li’l’ Lexx ate him.

    No cycle of time nonesense, just like I thought. But people are going to argue about it still.

    STAN [b]IS[/b] THE MAN!
    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Why would the cycle of time begin with the Brunnen-G war? It baffles me. I always assumed that the Cycle of Time was merely a way of introducing factual prophecies. It was barely mentioned in Series 2 and 3, aside from 790 mentioning that there was a gap of 14 billion years from the destruction of the Dark Zone until the end of time, and Prince merely mentioned it in passing.

    I’d have preferred a closing monologue from Kai to mirror the opening “story” he began in IWHS, but that may have been a little bit too much to ask for. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Last episode…Boohooohooooooo…..for some reason this episode disturbed me. I’m still crying over it. Call me a romantic, but I always hoped that Xev & Kai would be together. I guess that would have been to typical. Kai, at least died the hero that he was saving the universe. But still I feel saddened,(for some odd reason), that he is dead. Can’t explain why it bothers me so much..But I wanted Kai to be with Xev!!!! Oh well..that’s Lexx for ya..unpredictable.


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by LexxLurker:

    Kai’s final words (in-person) to Xev and Stan were a little disapointing but not to be unexpected. Kai doesent love Xev, and he probably shouldent, after all he was deeply in love when he died.

    Aha!!! I was not the only one to think that Kai never loved Xev!! I have a post on another topic, LexxLurker about this very thing….(Can’t remember the heading) anyway, Kai has his chance to say he loved Xev and did’nt do it…His attitude was almost like he felt sorry for her because she loved him so much…and that’s why I think he kissed her…Something tells me, well actually I tell me, that if Kai was to desire any woman on Lexx it would be Wist or yes, I’m going to say it! Tina!! I think that Live Kai would have admired brains in a female above physical attributes….And Tina had brains and pretty big bazookas……a lethal combination…



    Actually for me personally it was Brigadoom that convinced me Kai could never love Xev. It occured to me that Kai’s living lover was a real bitch and very selfish and very unlike Xev/Zev. Also it was displayed that Kai was head over in love with his girl and seeing how he cannot feel emotions you have to believe that Kai once ‘awake’ would still be in love with his girl.

    The one possibility though that always occured to me was that Xev might actually be the reincarnation of that woman in Brigadoom. But their attitudes were so disimilar. And the finale proved that wrong. I was so sure Xev would die with Kai and the ending would be identical to IWHS with Kai looking over to Xev as he did to his girl in IWHS then saying Good Luck and all that then sing their song and die.

    Regardless its my favorite episode now, soooo sad. When Kai told Stan through clenched teeth and tears to “Go!”(Pretty tough to do when you’re dead!) I have to admit I got a lump in my throat.


    I am still crying. It’s very hard for me to get emotional over a tv series, but I had a very special place for it. I did expect Kai to die, but I didn’t expect for him to become alive. I was content with him as he was until his ultimate death. Prince had already appeared to him so that understood that was surely going to die. I did not like the fact the he became alive because he had time to suffer. I did see the irony that his story began sacrificing his life a for a great cause, and I was okay with that.

    I believe Kai does feel something for Xev. How could he not? Xev is a good person, and so is Kai. I think he did like Xev, and yes he felt sorry for her. Like Lexx said, he knew he couldn’t make her happy, he has been alone for a long time. Xev was the first one to forgive him being an assassin. Her kindness is admirable.

    Kai has called Xev and Stan his friends and he did care them. A true friend and warrior to the end.

    I am still crying.

    “Who threw you off the edge of the city?”–Inquisitor

    “My friends.”–Kai


    I taped the last episode and watched it this afternoon with my teenager for morale support. We both had tears in our eyes. Such is my life that I have a great big hole in the TV viewing area of it now. I can’t believe Lexx is over. Great episode, very Lexxian. I was rather disturbed that planet Earth was destroyed, however, that’s the way it goes in the Lexx world. Kai’s sacrifice and death were extremely moving, especially when he sang his song. I don’t know if I’d be all that interested in a sequel to Lexx without Kai, he was the main reason I watched. I like Stan and Zev well enough, but I can just picture them mixing it up on different planets with Prince and that goofy president and wife, and all I can say is…eh.

    Whoever thought 790’s obsession with Kai would have resulted in the destruction of the Earth? Whoever thought Lykka would have turned out to be so deadly? Very strange show, I will miss it terribly.!!!!

    BTW, isn’t it odd that 790’s


    well, i had time to get used to the ending, but i still had a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye starting about the time kai told xev and stan what was going on and that he was going to take the accelerator into the mother ship-asteroid…but yeah, the episode was excellent, and flew by way too fast, and completely true to the lexx philosophy…knowing all this, i am still mourning the demise of the show… [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]


    It’s kinda comforting to know I’m not the only one who cried. Haven’t done this since seeing the movie [i]The Color Purple[/i]. I thought to myself as I wiped away the tears that it’s only a tv show, but, man, what a show! Here it is nearly 36 hours later and I’ve still got a lump in my throat. I’ll miss Lexx. I can’t type no more. My eyes are getting tearry now.

    Bye, Kai. Bye, Xev. Bye, Stanley. Go to H-E-double hockey sticks, 790.


    Actually, I giggled along with Kai when he saw the mass of the Higgs-Bosen particle! No, really! I did! I expected that Kai was going to die. He had a great ending.

    When 790 blew up the Earth, I laughed out loud! Stan had it right at the beginning. Blow up that stupid blue planet!


    Oh bugger, I didn’t catch it when it was shown on Thursday in the U.K, my brother pays the bill for Sky T.V and him not being a big Lexx fan decided to watch Angel instead, despite my protests.
    But it’s repeated tonite, but I’m almost thinking I don’t want to see it,as it’s made so many people cry and they still think about now.
    It’s on in the early hours, and I have work, what am I gonna say when I get to work all red-eyed and tired because I couldn’t sleep?, I just know (even though I’m a big butch lizard now), I’m gonna cry (bloody Titanic got me as well).
    Oh well, I’ll keep telling myself it’s only a T.V programme, but I doubt it will do me any good.
    Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    I think it would be impossible not to cry…it was probably the saddest ending of any show EVER….(b/c Kai and Lexx died, of course…..the Earth deserved what it got)…..I LOVE LEXX!
    ….btw, when Lexx told Stan that he’ll miss him, Stan’s reply was a bit cold-hearted…


    My wife didnt cry. She just tutted. She hates Lexx. She has no taste. She married me after all.



    Originally posted by JumpingJedi:
    My wife didnt cry. She just tutted. She hates Lexx. She has no taste. She married me after all.

    Either send her back to the wife bank or sentence her to be a loveslave for not performing her wifely duties! (j/k)



    Originally posted by Ineffable:
    ….btw, when Lexx told Stan that he’ll miss him, Stan’s reply was a bit cold-hearted…

    That’s because he had more important things on his mind than a big emotional bug!
    I thought it was so sad when the Lexx died; His life was so lonely -and most of it was spent being incredibly hungry.

    I’ve really hated Dr. Longbore ever since Tina died-It’s interesting how he, with his preferences for beautiful women, contrasts with the Woz.

    I thought the episode was the best final-episode of a TV series ever. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] The first two-thirds were brilliant, and then, starting with the destruction of the Earth, we entered television-viewing ectasy. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    I wouldn’t have thought it would have appealed to the americans though.


    Hi everyone!
    I loved the finale of Lexx! It was amazing and completely breath taking! in my opinion for of the best episodes ever made, yeah, it’s too bad Kai had to die as soon as he was brought back to life, but the way he died was ok, he died in his own way, fighting as a warrior!

    I thought it was esp emotional when Xev started singing with him before he died.

    I was impressed with Stan’s bravery, and am soooooo glad Little Lexx ate 790!!!
    YAY, ding dong the evil robot head IS DEAD!!

    If your into RPG games, e-mail me
    I’m starting a game, that takes place after the finale, Kai will return in the game!


    I bet 790 ain’t dead! The little psycho still needs to be punished! LOL


    *sigh* I still don’t know how I feel.

    It was a truly great episode and the ending really WAS exactly what it should have been but I still have that little kicker in the back of my head going “I know Kai was dead already, but you know, that just sucks…”

    I couldn’t watch it right at ten because of work, so I taped it, then watched the tape at 11. I had to pour myself a glass of wine and chain smoke through the first half hour, I was so nervous. After that I was so caught up in it I forgot to be worried and just cried and laughed through the rest.

    Anyway, afterwards I called my best friend out in Tacoma (she’s three hours behind me) to remind her to tape it for her husband (who’s as obsessive as I am but who couldn’t watch it because he was on an army training mission) and since she doesn’t mind being told everything that happens in the eps beforehand I chain smoked and downed my wine while sobbing to her about it and then I realized I was completely and totally emotionally exhausted. And to be honest, I still am.

    I watched the 2am repeat last night but discovered that I couldn’t watch the very end again and had to leave the room, just like I did when I was a little kid watching horror movies. It’s the whole “pull the blanket up over the eyes and peek out” thing. My head knows it’s over but my heart is still a bit sore over it. I mean, it was the GREATEST scifi show on and now it’s over and quite frankly I find that rather depressing. Especially since the liklihood of seeing Brian, Xenia, and Michael on something else is pretty slim. I know Nigel will pop up somewhere, he always does, and Brian probably will too but I know I’m sh*t out of luck concerning the other two. I hate that.

    So yeah, anyway, to make a long story even longer, I LOVED this episode, it was everything that was promised, the only problem I had with it was that I, too, thought that Kai should have done a closing monologue like he did the opening monologue in IWHS, and I’m mentally thanking the Beans and the actors and the crew everyday for giving me as many great episodes as they did.

    And that, finally, is all.



    I thought it was a very good episode. It about ties with [i]Little Blue Planet[/i] in my mind, and is one of the best episodes since season two ended. I missed all but the last 10 minutes the first time, but saw the whole episode at midnight.

    I like the new Lexx. At first it looked like the Lexx shed its skin and emerged as an imago, but more careful viewing indicates that the Lexx died, leaving a glowing sphere one or two kilometers small in its dessicated shell. I’d love to see clear vidcaps of the little Lexx. Let’s see, it’s white with green, almost ivy-like parts. The eyes are bigger in proportion to the rest of the body. The tail is stubby and green, and the ship seems to move by horizontal undulation. It’s got legs! I couldn’t count them all, but I know there are more than six. Plus a cute appendage tipped with a bioluminescent organ projecting from the postocciput. The overall look is like a cross between a cicada, a tadpole, a bee, and an angler fish. I thought the voice sounded like Anna Cameron, but someone else said they thought is was just Tom Gallant’s voice with synthesizers, and when I listened to it again it sounded like that could be the case. At any rate, the new Lexx is great. I wonder what it’s called. [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img]

    I think the blue key is a new key, for a new Lexx.

    I had some problems with the episode. The writers were trying to resolve so many subplots in the episode that it was kind of crammed, with each sequence going by in a blink. I didn’t think the Earth should have been destroyed. I [b]really[/b] didn’t like the idea of those intelligent, hard-working people getting left behind to die. I liked the way Stan acted for the most part (more corageous than usual), but I thought he was too cruel to the Lexx.

    About Kai. I always wanted for Kai to eventually have his electronics removed and be restored to a living human. Prince did that, but he did it with magic, which seems like cheating. I was disappointed that there wasn’t a scientific way to reverse the decarbonization process. I didn’t think Kai should have died. There’s just so much more to be explored with him, especially if he were brought back to life. We know very little about what the living Kai was like. I always knew Kai didn’t love Xev.

    About Longbore. [b]He wasn’t His Divine Shadow![/b] [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] What kind of pointless move was that in giving a character the exact same voice as His Divine Shadow and then building him up as a similar character, then killing him off and leaving us to assume he was somebody different?!? [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] It would be like if George Lucas cast James Earl Jones as the navigator fir a spice freighter in [i]Attack of the Clones[/i]. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] So, why did they do that? The obvious answer that comes to mind is to lure viewers into watching a season that may be unpopular otherwise to see His Shadow reappear at the finale (and not have to bother with writing and filming a plot with His Shadow to take time away from other plots, and still being able to play the Shadow card in future productions since the plot is never resolved). Another possibility is that the voice was for a kind of synchronicity or symbolism, hinting to viewers that the character is [i]like[/i] His Divine Shadow. So who was Dr. Longbore if not His Divine Shadow? A couple of months ago, someone suggested that he may be the reincarnation of the Wozard, played by Divine Shadow voice actor Walter Borden. That notion had never occurred to me up until then, and I considered it astronomically unlikely until His Shadow failed to reappear after Dr. Longbore disappeared (we are eventually told he is dead, and nothing happens in the rest of the episode to indicate he isn’s). But if Ernst Longbore was the Wozard, then why was he so unlike the Wozard? The Wozard was a religious zealot, not a mad scientist. And he wasn’t a pervert. Maybe one of the Beans can tell us what the hell they were thinking.

    About Priest. President Priest starts the episode with his usual annoying antics. Then later he reveals important information to us. He, like Prince, is a metaphysical being from the planet Fire (this makes me wonder why Duke, May, and the other priests of Fire never resurfaced, since they all must have been metaphysical beings, and Duke was much more powerful than the priests). Prince made him president by putting it into a lot of people’s minds (possibly the reincarnated Fire-dwellers) to vote for him. Much more surprising is his behavior. He shows guilt and remorse. These are good traits. Since his soul was sent to Fire (the priests were reincarnated humans, as evidenced by the fact that one was a reincarnated Divine cleric), that would imply that he was bad in life, and bad sould always act bad in ever incarnation. Perhaps Prince cheated, like with Stan.

    Additional thoughts. Since Xev and Stan did not find a home, and Prince is on an interstellar space ship with a mission of destruction in mind, the possibility for continuation is wide open. Stan establishes that the Lexx is 6,000 years old, indicating that it existed in some form for 700 years before the amino acid codes were captured. To be consistent with [i]The Giga Shadow[/i], 790 should have said 300 instead of 10,000.

    I was saddened by the episode, but most of all the final scene, when we think that poor 790, whose lived such a tormented and traumatic electronic existence, would drift alone in space for the rest of time. Then the Lexx came to pick the robot head up (I wonder if it was by instinct, or if Stan ordered it to) and I cheered. “Oh, Kai, Kai, Kai; why did you have to die? Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa; ten thousand years to go…Nooo!”

    I thought the typeface for “The End” should have been the same as “2008 Years Later” etc. in [i]I Worship His Shadow[/i]. There also should have been an aperture closing on the picture, like in [i]Heaven and Hell[/i].


    Delektek790, there was only an aperture closing for S1 and S3. So, it balances the other two seasons, S2 and S4, not having a closing like that. That is my take on it.


    Welcome back DT! Good description of the new Lexx.


    Originally posted by DalekTek790:

    [b]I wonder what it’s called. [/b]

    I think you said it above: Lil’lexx
    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Naming it might be fun.

    quote[quote][b] I didn’t think the Earth should have been destroyed. I really didn’t like the idea of those intelligent, hard-working people getting left behind to die.[/b][/quote]

    I think S4 demonstrated that the intelligence level was not particularly high!

    quote[quote][b] About Longbore. He wasn’t His Divine Shadow! [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] What kind of pointless move was that in giving a character the exact same voice as His Divine Shadow and then building him up as a similar character, then killing him off [/b][/quote]

    Longbore/Woz were an archetype. There was no indication that he was His Divine Shadow, just as the Woz was not HDS either.

    quote[quote][b]The Wozard was a religious zealot, not a mad scientist. And he wasn’t a pervert.[/b][/quote]

    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    [b]I was saddened by the episode, but most of all the final scene, when we think that poor 790, whose lived such a tormented and traumatic electronic existence, would drift alone in space for the rest of time. [/b]

    [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] But DT, he directly caused the destruction of the Earth and indirectly of Kai. I don’t think I can excuse him. But you always have an interesting take on things.


    [ 29-04-2002: Message edited by: elmey ]



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    About Longbore. He wasn’t His Divine Shadow! [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] What kind of pointless move was that in giving a character the exact same voice as His Divine Shadow and then building him up as a similar character, then killing him off and leaving us to assume he was somebody different?!? [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] It would be like if George Lucas cast James Earl Jones as the navigator fir a spice freighter in [i]Attack of the Clones[/i]. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] So, why did they do that? The obvious answer that comes to mind is to lure viewers into watching a season that may be unpopular otherwise to see His Shadow reappear at the finale (and not have to bother with writing and filming a plot with His Shadow to take time away from other plots, and still being able to play the Shadow card in future productions since the plot is never resolved). Another possibility is that the voice was for a kind of synchronicity or symbolism, hinting to viewers that the character is [i]like[/i] His Divine Shadow. So who was Dr. Longbore if not His Divine Shadow? A couple of months ago, someone suggested that he may be the reincarnation of the Wozard, played by Divine Shadow voice actor Walter Borden. That notion had never occurred to me up until then, and I considered it astronomically unlikely until His Shadow failed to reappear after Dr. Longbore disappeared (we are eventually told he is dead, and nothing happens in the rest of the episode to indicate he isn’s). But if Ernst Longbore was the Wozard, then why was he so unlike the Wozard? The Wozard was a religious zealot, not a mad scientist. And he wasn’t a pervert. Maybe one of the Beans can tell us what the hell they were thinking.

    A reincarnation of the Wozard is exactly what he was, and I think it was obvious. I never once thought he was HDS. For one, the Wozard *was*, theoretically speaking, a renegade scientist, in that he was trained to use the Lusticon and had built one himself. Secondly, he surrounded himself with a team of fanatically devoted misfits. Thirdly, he was obsessed with physical beauty (the Wozard took it to one extreme, Longbore to another). Fourthly, he’s homicidically unstable. Fifthly, he has an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Sixthly, as if it hadn’t been driven home *enough*, HDS is dead. Kaput. Over. The insect menace died out completely in S1, with a brief cameo appearance in “Mantrid.” That’s all she wrote.
    I doubt seriously that the Beans meant to mislead people into thinking that Longbore was *ever* HDS, any more than I believe that they meant to “trick” people into thinking that Prince and Duke were insects. Perhaps if one is *looking* for insects under every rock, one might imagine such a thing, but it’s been clear for a while now that there is no insect threat any more. The carrots weren’t insects, as was theorized, the rulers of Fire weren’t insects, as was theorized, and Longbore wasn’t an insect.

    quote[quote]Much more surprising is his behavior. He shows guilt and remorse. These are good traits. Since his soul was sent to Fire (the priests were reincarnated humans, as evidenced by the fact that one was a reincarnated Divine cleric), that would imply that he was bad in life, and bad sould always act bad in ever incarnation. Perhaps Prince cheated, like with Stan.[/quote]

    More likely, since each person condemns him or herself to Fire, or allows him or herself to pass on to Water, Priest had some despicable trait (perhaps ruthless ambition) that dogged him past the grave. We can assume that not *everyone* on Fire was completely evil, as the incident with Stan illustrated that a person can do good things, but if the bad outweighs that, then they’re condemned to Fire.



    “I really didn’t like the idea of those intelligent, hard-working people getting left behind to die.”

    Dying is an absurd thing. I’ve always been a big proponent on the existential themes of Lexx. Even posted a thread on it, nobody replied. Basically I thought it was a recurring theme: no matter how smart or dumb a character is, no matter how brave or cowardly, they still die. Sometimes because of thier tragic flaws, other times just because. Some examples. Simplified, of course. This is off the top of my head.
    Tragic Flaw:
    Your people(Yo Way Yo). Too trusting.
    Lomea(twilight). Her concentration on the short term.
    Moss(Moss): Hate and paranoia.
    Haley(Haley’s Comet):insecurity.
    Guys in Wake the Dead: Overconfidence

    Just because:
    Joseph Van Helsing(Vlad).Doesn’t believe in vampires. Killed by one.
    DJ in End of the Universe-wrong place at the wrong time

    An argument could be made whether Kai’s “dying well” was better than simply dying. For 2000 years he killed people for the order he fought against. He brought down the order and eventually achieved the same death he would have had 6000 years prior. Of course then we probably wouldn’t have Lexx.


    “In the light universe I have been darkness. Perhaps in the dark universe…
    I will be light.”

    Kai was the best tragic hero ever to grace the screen.

    Lexx has been the most amazing show ever. A wild ride from beginning to end. And what a perfect ending.

    Somebody said earlier that it’s like a great book that you have to read again. Me too. Back to IWHS and through the whole crazy thing again. And again, probably.

    Thunderous applause!



    Originally posted by Warsaw:
    “I really didn’t like the idea of those intelligent, hard-working people getting left behind to die.”

    Dying is an absurd thing. I’ve always been a big proponent on the existential themes of Lexx. Even posted a thread on it, nobody replied. Basically I thought it was a recurring theme: no matter how smart or dumb a character is, no matter how brave or cowardly, they still die. Sometimes because of thier tragic flaws, other times just because. Some examples. Simplified, of course. This is off the top of my head.
    Tragic Flaw:
    Your people(Yo Way Yo). Too trusting.
    Lomea(twilight). Her concentration on the short term.
    Moss(Moss): Hate and paranoia.
    Haley(Haley’s Comet):insecurity.
    Guys in Wake the Dead: Overconfidence

    Just because:
    Joseph Van Helsing(Vlad).Doesn’t believe in vampires. Killed by one.
    DJ in End of the Universe-wrong place at the wrong time

    B-b-b-b-b-b-but those were just “filler” episodes”… right? Y-y-y-you mean those “useless” episodes were actually expanding upon a theme? Blinded by hero-Kai and his story, could we have… *gasp* [i]overlooked[/i] something?

    [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    I’d like to read that thread you started, Warsaw. Is it here on SadBoard?


    Wow you hold a grudge.(sarcasm)
    Yes, it’s in the general forum here. If the hyperlink doesn’t work, it’s on the second page. Obviously it was posted right after I saw Viva Lexx Vegas. I took it too far and proposed an ending that in retrospect even I didn’t believe. To have Kai die in the same way that the characters around the Lexx crew died was inconsistent with Kai’s character. He was concerned with making his death mean something. Now that it’s over I can speculate that maybe this was his tragic flaw. Maybe I’ll post it again after I can make it more coherent to the non-Camus reader.


    The first Lexx episode that I saw was in 1999. It was “The Web”. I was interested in the show, but not enough to stay with it. I picked it up later in 2001 at the beginning of Season 4. For the next 8 and a half months I watched all of the back episodes that I had missed and also all the new ones as they appeared, anxiously waiting for the end. I also was shocked to hear that just as I was getting into S4 that it would be the last. Anyway, I loved “Yo Way Yo”. I thought that it was a fine ending. (Though I do think Valdron’s ending would have been more dramatic and would have changed our perspective of the show drastically). I counted the days (three months) during the break between “769” and “Prime Ridge” earlier this year and can finally say that I have seen ALL 61 episodes of the most interesting and at the same time strangest, science fiction and fantasy series ever! Never has a show captivated my mind as Lexx. The ongoing storyline, the recurring characters, the humour, the battles scenes, etc. This forum has been a great way to broaden my understanding of a complex television series. I thank you all for allowing me to speak my ocassionally crazy musings. I am glad that Kai is finally dead. I think that it is ironic that it was 790 who blew up the planet, I think that out of all the people therein he was the only one crazy enough to do it. I am glad that Longbore and the Trin got it as well. Bye Bye little blue planet! I am glad that Stan and Xev were able to have another way out of their predicament and that there is a new little Lexx. Prince is not really evil, he is just a being that fulfills his function- teling person’s when they will die. He is death, not Satan, nor evil. Bunny and Priest are fine as I see it and I think that they will have a happy life. 790 I hope was eaten by littleLexx. The series finale left me wanting more, and that is what I feel the beans and all the others wanted. I wonder though, does the new Lexx blow up anything or is he/she just a flying bug?

    Thanks Brian, Michael, Xenia, Nigel, Tom, Jeffrey, Paul, Rolf, Louise, Patricia, Ellen, Walter, Eva, Jeff (Pustil), Steven, Ralph, Ann (May), Dieter, Janet (Wright), Minna, Lex and Marty, among 100 or so others.




    Originally posted by Elmey:
    I think S4 demonstrated that the intelligence level was not particularly high!

    Just to clarify: I was talking about the people Longbore was going to leave behind, even though they did most of the work building the [i]Noah[/i]. When Priest came in I figured he would take them with him, but instead he took off and they died. I thought that was awful.



    Originally posted by Aleck:
    A reincarnation of the Wozard is exactly what he was, and I think it was obvious. I never once thought he was HDS. For one, the Wozard *was*, theoretically speaking, a renegade scientist, in that he was trained to use the Lusticon and had built one himself. Secondly, he surrounded himself with a team of fanatically devoted misfits. Thirdly, he was obsessed with physical beauty (the Wozard took it to one extreme, Longbore to another). Fourthly, he’s homicidically unstable. Fifthly, he has an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Sixthly, as if it hadn’t been driven home *enough*, HDS is dead. Kaput. Over. The insect menace died out completely in S1, with a brief cameo appearance in “Mantrid.” That’s all she wrote.
    I doubt seriously that the Beans meant to mislead people into thinking that Longbore was *ever* HDS, any more than I believe that they meant to “trick” people into thinking that Prince and Duke were insects. Perhaps if one is *looking* for insects under every rock, one might imagine such a thing, but it’s been clear for a while now that there is no insect threat any more. The carrots weren’t insects, as was theorized, the rulers of Fire weren’t insects, as was theorized, and Longbore wasn’t an insect.

    But he sounded [b]exactly[/b] like His Divine Shadow. When I first watched [i]Texx Lexx[/i], Kai’s in this bunker, and all of a sudden I hear the voice of His Divine Shadow! I look, and it’s coming from a person who looks like Stephen Hawking. I thought that was especially funny because I had always thought His Shadow sounded like Stephen Hawking, and it looked like the makers were taking advantage of that. Wat I mean is, the impact of Dr. Longbore is as someone who appears to be His Divine Shadow. The makers would have realized that, if they used Walter Borden’s voice with he same electronic modulations as season one and [i]Mantrid[/i], and attached it to a character that appears to be a cult leader, viewers who had seen the first two seasons would think he was some incarnation of His Divine Shadow. Perhaps in the first drafts Dr. Longbore was His Divine Shadow, but they decided to rewrite it to exclude the reference, but didn’t drop the voice. At any rate, the immediate fan reaction is to consider him to be His Shadow.

    I rewatched [i]Gondola[/i], and Duke’s speech now doesn’t seem that Insectoid, and even subtly hints the upcoming revelation. But, going entirely on what we knew about the [i]Lexx[/i] universe at that point(before seeing [i]The Beach[/i] and [i]Heaven and Hell[/i]), that Duke was an Insect essence inhabiting human hosts was the most apparent explanation.

    It was never specifically stated that the [b]very[/b] insect-like probes in season four were not built using Insect technology.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    But he sounded exactly like His Divine Shadow.

    No, HDS, the Wozard and Longbore all happen to sound exactly like Walter Borden. They all have the same voice, because Walter Borden’s voice is pretty damned distinctive. And, if you want to get technical about it, only *one* of the Divine Shadows sounded anything like Walter Borden.

    quote[quote]The makers would have realized that, if they used Walter Borden’s voice with he same electronic modulations as season one and [i]Mantrid[/i], and attached it to a character that appears to be a cult leader, viewers who had seen the first two seasons would think he was some incarnation of His Divine Shadow.[/quote]

    The only electronic modulations used on Borden’s voice in S4 are the result of him speaking into a microphone, and his voice being amplified through speakers. For the record, the Wozard was a cult leader as well.

    quote[quote]I rewatched [i]Gondola[/i], and Duke’s speech now doesn’t seem that Insectoid, and even subtly hints the upcoming revelation. But, going entirely on what we knew about the [i]Lexx[/i] universe at that point(before seeing [i]The Beach[/i] and [i]Heaven and Hell[/i]), that Duke was an Insect essence inhabiting human hosts was the most apparent explanation.[/quote]

    Not after it had been established that people who had died were reappearing. And that Prince had the ability to die and return many times. The most apparant explanation to his “Death is not the end” speech was that when he died, he would return much as Prince does. While it’s not really explicitly said until “Girltown” that Prince is the only person with the ability to die and return in another form, the most apparant explanation for his speech is the literal one: that he will die and return. The insects don’t die and pass on, they pass from a dying host to another body, with no actual “death” of the insect itself taking place.

    quote[quote]It was never specifically stated that the very insect-like probes in season four were not built using Insect technology.[/quote]

    It was never specifically stated because it’s a ridiculous notion to begin with. It’s like saying that because it has never been explicitly stated that the internal combustion engine was *not* developed with the assistance of a wily gnome named Gerald that this remains a very distinct possibility. It’s just not something that could or should need explanation. The probes are not insectile: they’re vegetative. They’re [b][i]carrots on mechanical legs.[/i][/b] That much has *definitively* and *explicitly* been stated. There’s nothing about them, or the threat that Lyekka’s “family” present, that is reminsicent of the insects. Every aspect of their threat is related to plant-based lifeforms with access to their own developed technology.



    quote[quote]The probes are not insectile: they’re vegetative. They’re carrots on mechanical legs. [/quote]

    Mr. Buttons deserved better, but the couple on the yacht (Xevivor) ought to have known better. Its just not natural to toss vegetables in a blender. Glad those nasty vegetables were gone in Yo Way Yo. They were undignified, and Yo Way Yo gave the series a dignified resolution.

    (OK, I laughed when I saw the carrots stare at the yacht, and I even laughed at the plight of Mr. Buttons. The carrots were nastier than flying monkeys, ‘What a world…’)


    Interesting to note that a mainstream media source downunder (Herald/Sun) has drawn attention to the season 4 final. Particularly interesting since Lexx has NEVER been mentioned locally as far as I know, it certainly didn’t tell mainstream audiences about the season premiere and – as importantly – it is drawing attention to a show on cable televsion, which it rarely does. The FIRST PAGE article goes on to “urge anyone who has ever caught a few episodes of this entralling sexy sci-fi series to be there at the end”. Interesting because this Sunday television magazine never ‘urges’ anyone to watch anything.

    [ 12-05-2002: Message edited by: bonnee ]

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