babylon 5 your tops 5 episodes

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Babylon 5 & Crusade babylon 5 your tops 5 episodes

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  • #37565

    so go on you know u want to
    post away
    me…oh go on then
    1) the coming of shadows
    2) the fall of night
    3)babylon squared
    4) chrysilas
    5) signs and portents
    hmm they are all early ones arent they
    i like a lot more but i dont think this place has the server space to list em


    1. Babylon 5: The Gathering

    2. Babylon Squared
    3. War Without End part 2
    4. The Fall of Night
    5. Hunter, Prey

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.

    [This message has been edited by DalekTek790 (edited 12-19-2000).]


    Into the Fire
    Wheel of Fire
    The Corps is Mother the Corps is Father
    Acts of Sacrifice
    Falling Towards Apotheosis

    The only show I absolutely hated was ‘A View from tha Galery’ which was patronising and had the potential for so much more.

    The sad fact about the B5 episode reviews is that there is no-one to write the otehrs. I have a big workload with the development of Farscape and Andromeda (need to complete Red Dwarf and Aeon Flux too). I am looking for reviewers to complete the 1st 2nd and 3rd Baby 5 series.



    My least favorite episode is “Intersections in Real Time.” It had no point! [img][/img]

    I could help you with the episode reviews, but right now I’m working on my site. I need some more material before it’s ready to go up.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    [b]I could help you with the episode reviews, but right now I’m working on my site. I need some more material before it’s ready to go up.


    Well, maybe I could help you too. I have loads of pics and sound files. I could also do a few special ‘screen grabs’ unique scans (I have all the episode on tape!)

    Waddaya think?



    I’ve got pretty much all I need (for now) on the sci-fi T.V. section. All that’s really left is to get some reviews back that I e-mailed to a friend who was going to help me on the site but changed his mind. Thanks for offering, though.

    Lee P. Sherman, code name DalekTek790
    Whovian, Froudian, Lexxian, etc.


    1. The fall of Centauri Prime
    2. Z’Ha’Dum
    3. War without end.
    4. Chrysalis
    5. Revelations



    I havent bean abel to se B5 in a long time and I dont now the episode names but il try!

    1. The first real battle agains the shadows.
    2. When they firs finds out that the shadows exists.
    3. Last in season 2 (I think) when the war starts!!!
    4. First in season 2.
    5. When Kosh (The guys that looks like angels and is garding the universe fore when the shadows return) in the special suit gets murdered.

    I have only seen to the middle of season 3 (I think)but I hope that you understand!!! (Some of it, anyway!!!) [img][/img]

    I am the crusader


    My least favorite episode is “Intersections in Real Time.” It had no point: dalektek790

    orignially it was meant to have been shot in realtime ,that is it was meant to have been 45 mins in the life if capt. sheridan.
    but it didnt workout that way
    : D

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