B5 movies on sci-fi

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  • #37596

    In case anybody cares…

    Scifi channel is running reruns of B5, M-F@7pm they finished the series and they’re getting to the movies. Today the second half of the Gathering is showing and I think that they’re going to show the rest of the movies in the coming weeks. I also heard something about a new movie in the works, but I’m not sure, I’ll have to check.

    anyway, Cool Beans!!!


    Much Madness is divinest Sense-
    To a discerning Eye-
    Much Sense-the starkest Madness-
    ‘Tis the Majority
    In this, as All, prevail-
    Assent-and you are sane-
    Demur-you’re straightaway dangerous-
    And handled with a Chain-

    – Emily Dickinson

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