Awsome movie!

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Babylon 5 & Crusade Awsome movie!

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    I haven’t enjoyed a B5 movie like this since “B5 in the beginning” G’kar was great and he didn’t cast a shadow (hehe pun intended)over the newcomers to the B5 universe.

    I love the teasing introduction of a new enemy. Personally I think they will be like the Shadows, only with personality.

    The Liandra is a very cool ship, both from the inside and outside. The idea of haveing lost souls on board is very cool to.

    I honestly believe this series will have a much better chance of surviving than “Crusade” but we will see…



    I can’t wait to see it myself!

    It’s a shame Crusade didn’t make it. I thought it had a lot of potential.

    The lost souls idea, could that have been anything like the Divine Predicessors on LEXX first series. I know JMS was a fan of the show and wonder if the idea was inspired by LEXX?


    when will you guys get to see it over there? i hope it is soon! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    I think the movie was excellent. I really enjoyed it. I’m forward to a new series on the sci-fi channel. I hope we get one.



    Originally posted by Slopmaster:
    I haven’t enjoyed a B5 movie like this since “B5 in the beginning” G’kar was great and he didn’t cast a shadow (hehe pun intended)over the newcomers to the B5 universe.

    I love the teasing introduction of a new enemy. Personally I think they will be like the Shadows, only with personality.

    The Liandra is a very cool ship, both from the inside and outside. The idea of haveing lost souls on board is very cool to.

    I honestly believe this series will have a much better chance of surviving than “Crusade” but we will see…


    Just wanted to say that I enjoyed every minute of Legend of the Rangers and I’m looking forward to more of the same.


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