Speculations about the movie:

Forums British Sci Fi Series Red Dwarf Speculations about the movie:

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    I have a feeling they’re going to try to tie the series up somehow with the coming movie.
    Who here thinks the movie means an end to Red Dwarf?


    hmm, dunno about that one. after all, look at Star Trek… [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    Hmm I thought during the last ep the Red Dwarf exploded?

    Nothing is really over in any series. Flash enough cash and you’ll bring anyone back [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] Even from the dead.

    I think its going to be hilarious to see actual CGI and a decent budget “Red Dwarf”

    I can also imagine them having multiple Holly’s too to bring back some of the other actresses.


    I suppose I’m just naturally paranoid. Afterall, they killed Dr. Who, seemingly for good.
    Also Grant, Naylor and the cast seem to be getting sick of the show. I wouldn’t be surprized if they pulled a “Mostly Harmless” kinda thing…but then, that could just be Paranoia talking again. Wish I knew where Confidence got to. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    at the end of the last ep as the ship was blowing up, didn’t the crew and our heroes find their way onto a Red Dwarf in a parallel universe? can’t remember, and for some reason, i never taped the last season.. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]


    (Do I need to worry about spoilers here? The show hasn’t been updated in years afterall…)

    Yup, I think it was a metal-eating nanovirus eating the ship. The crew all made it to the parallel universe except Rimmer.
    The very last scene was the most memorable, when Rimmer bagged death in the balls. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: Road Hunter ]


    hehe..thoughts of Death bent double, saying something like “that’s never happened to me before” spring to mind… [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
    The End? The smeg it is!!!


    I share the Paranoia felt by Road Hunter. Personally I felt Series 8 was the worst, coincidentaly that was the series with the biggest budget, RD is ment to look tacky as hell, that’s what it’s all about. A friend of mine (who’s another fan) is convinced the movie will go straight to video. I’m setting my sights a little low so I can’t be dissapointed at the film. That’s how I watched MIB2 and it was good. I just don’t expect magic.


    That’s how I go about things too.
    I didn’t find season 8 that bad, it just wasn’t as memorable as others…like 6, they had everything going for them in 6.


    As far as the folks in the USA are concerned, it probably will only be seen on video. Me and some friends will try to see it in a theater if it’s within a few hundred miles drive.


    The Movie is actually NOT going to pick up where the series left off, but is apparently going to be set BEFORE the first series began. I don’t know how that’s going to work, but it’s supposed to somehow still capture what the show’s all about.


    Now that’s…odd. I wonder how that’s supposed to work.


    They’re all old and fat now! Unless its down to new actors (such as the young Lister in ‘Backwards’)



    I think its going to be hilarious to see actual CGI and a decent budget “Red Dwarf”

    Oh come on, a bright red fairy liquid bottle, meshed out with a few lolipop sticks and a bit of paper mache….do me a favour, it was the lame special effects that add quality to the prog.

    I am not sure about the idea of the movie being based before the series, it will be harder to bring the character development in. I mean, there will be no Kryten. So there will have to be a new kryten, though I hope there will still be room for Rob Llewellyn. There will be no Cat, so thats Danny John Jules gone too….and thats just two major characters….

    Holly wont have the same character, for a start before the series, holly was just a super intelligent computer, not the senile piece of burnt out systems that we meet in the series.

    It just wont work dammit!!


    [ 05-11-2002: Message edited by: Azrael ]


    Maybe they will do it along the same lines as the book? The book had a much better story than the TV show did, and Lister wasnt as stupid as they made him out in the show.

    For instance, he purposesly bought a pregnant cat (made sure it had all its shots and was free from disease and virus) smuggled it on board in order to go into stasis. He basically got drunk on his birthday and woke up on the Red Dwarf with no chance at getting home since they were on a 7 year voyage. His only chance was to get arrested and put into stasis.

    If they do the movie before the ship accident, then thats probably the way they will do it. Expect some major (yet good) changes.

    Oh and expect Petersen to be more of a public drunk (Id give you a beer, but ive only got 11 left).


    I just think that it will get very monotonous….for gods sake…they are winding their way around the galaxy in a age old mining ship….

    How exciting would that be? I admit Petersen would be funny, and obviously all the larking about that him and listy get up to will be worth watching…but there is going to have to be some serious creative writing going on to make this into a decent movie.

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